Wednesday, April 15, 2015


                                                HOW I BECAME A BEACHBODY COACH

I'm writing this post to thank the people at Beachbody, yeah I know it's "just a company", but really it's not and that's why I love it so much and why I'm so grateful for all it/they have done for me.

Back when I weighed 350 lbs I felt hopeless, that there was no way in hell I could lose 200 lbs (I had my high school weight in my head as my goal weight and "yes" I'm over that)! I've struggled with my weight my whole life I remember in high school drinking Carnation instant breakfast in the morning before school and not eating the rest of the day, until supper and that was a small plate of whatever Grandma had made that day then nothing else. At 150 lbs my hip bones stuck out & my stomach was flat, but my best friend, who has a small frame, weighed 120 lbs and had a muffin top, continually commented that she couldn't believe I was fatter then her, plus she wore a 9 and I wore a 12, so I was bigger. She wasn't being vicious, but it added to my insecurities and obsession with my weight.
I always felt the need to be perfect, to get the best grades, to be good, and make grandma proud, but I messed that up and got pregnant at 18 so there went all the dreams of college. I found a great man a couple years later and after my 2nd son the weight really started to come on. My husband lost his job that he had worked at for 11 yrs when a new company came in & got rid of all the management and he was one of them. Of course, it happened a couple weeks after I had quit my job to go to nursing school full-time-more weight. We ended up having to file for bankruptcy and lost our home.

 If any of you have been to nursing school you know the stress is unbelievable that they deliberately try to weed you out, because the school has to keep it's certification and they do that by people passing the boards, so they try and get rid of the weak links before testing. I was in nursing school, worked full-time as a CNA, and I had a baby on Monday was discharged from the hospital Tuesday and went and took my check offs on Wednesday, because if you didn't pass check offs you had to sit out a whole year and I was to poor to wait another year to get out of school. It turns out I ended up taking another year, because my next instructor told me I was to fat to be a nurse and even though I had an A in the class, she tried to fail me in the clinical part, so I transferred to a different school and graduated with a BSN in Nursing.
I have been a nurse for `19 yrs and I love it! But being a nurse and weighing 350 lbs was literally killing me. After what should have been a fun vacation with 3 of my best friends I decided to have the magical gastric bypass surgery. Yeah, I lost 50 lbs and that was it-BAM! No more, now what I still have 150 lbs to lose? Then I saw an Infomercial with this beautiful blonde lady and TurboFire and I thought "Wow that really looks fun". So, I ordered it and in 3 months 75 lbs were gone! Then later I started drinking Shakeology® and I've never felt better in my life. To be honest I joined as a Beachbody coach to get the discounts, but I realized I was kinda working as a coach already, because people noticed my weight lose and were always asking me questions. Helping people is in my nature, hello I'm a nurse, and if I can help just 1 person lose weight and feel as good as I do then I've done my job. I'm active again. I'm healthy. I'm eternally grateful to Chalene Johnson and Beachbody for saving my life and giving me an opportunity for a new one. I am truly blessed to be a Beachbody Coach. Have you ever thought about being a coach? Would you like a chance to find out more about coaching and it's opportunities? If "yes" then send me a message to or join me on FB and send me a friend request Hope to hear from you soon!

My sister joined in on the action too! That's me on top before and after. Bottom is my sister Lisa and her before and after.

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