Showing posts with label coach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coach. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How Helping Others Will Help You

**I want to start by saying thank you Lord Jesus for my many, many blessings that I often take for grant, such as, having a roof over my head.**

What brought this to my mind is the fact that the awesome company that I coach for, Beachbody, is giving a $5 donation to a charity in CA called "Upward Bound House" that helps get homeless families off the streets and into homes (btw 90% of the families STAY OFF the streets once they're placed in a home) for every base kit of The Master's Hammer & Chisel that is sold through the month of December and there is no cap on the amount they are willing to donate!

I joined Beachbody in the beginning to get the discount on my Shakeology. Then I realized that I liked helping people, I guess it was the nurse in me, so I started thinking about coaching as a career. But I wasn't sure if it was for me, Beachbody is such a Big corporation, I had no clue had to run a business, would my goals, beliefs jive with the corporate world?

Then I started following the Top coaches and they talked openly about their religion. I mean the #1 coach said she was a Christian! How un-PC, right? So, I waited for Corp. to put the smackdown on her, but guess what? They never did! And the more training I took the more I realized that corporate supported their coaches in whatever their beliefs were, as long as, their goal was to help people first.

That's when I knew that coaching was my calling and every time I doubt that this is where I'm suppose to be God sends me a reminder. Just like the video I got today from our CEO telling us coaches that in just 1 DAY they had already made out a check for $113, 000+ dollars for Upward Bound House taking 25 families off the streets and into homes from the first day sales of Hammer and Chisel, how freakin awesome is that?! #blessed #Coachingrocks

**Leave a comment or send me a message if you want info on how you can purchase The Master's program Hammer & Chisel and by purchasing Beachbody will make a $5 donation to Upward Bound Home and help get another family off the streets by Christmas. God Bless.**

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

21 Day Fix Banana Protein Nut Butter Crepes


Makes 1 serving
💜 1 tsp
•1/2 cup egg whites
•1 scoop protein powder (Beachbody vanilla whey)
•almond milk or coconut milk to thin out batter (sweetened to sweeten or un
-sweet on 21 Day Fix)
•optional: pure maple syrup to sweeten
Stuff with bananas, chocolate chips, 1 tsp fix nut butter, blueberries, strawberries!! 

Directions: Mix egg whites and protein powder in blender. If your protein powder isn’t very sweet on it’s own add pure maple syrup.
Batter should be thinner than normal pancake batter. Add milk of your choice or a dash of water if it's not.

Cook in a HOT, well coconut oiled pan. Spread batter around in pan in a thin, even coat. The mix made 2 crepes in my big skillet.

To purchase the 21 Day Fix go to my site
For more daily support join me in my online support group!!
Message me for details. New group starts 8/3, but hurry space is limited!! Blessings.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015



(makes 5 servings, 1 burger per serving each serving equals 1 Red container)

1 Tbsp ground flaxseed
3 Tbsp water
1 lb. extra firm high-protein tofu, well drained, mashed
3 green onions, chopped
3/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground cumin (or smoked paprika)
Nonstick cooking spray (or extra-virgin coconut oil)

1. Place flaxseed and water in food processor; process for 1 minute. Let sit for 10 minutes or until thickened.
2. Add tofu, green onions, bread crumbs, mustard, soy sauce, garlic powder, and cumin to food processor; process until smooth.
3. Form into five patties; set aside.
4. Heat large skillet, lightly coated with spray over medium-high heat.
5. Add patties; cook 5-7 minutes on each side, or until cooked through.

**Tip: Super-firm or extra-firm high-protein tofu can be purchased at many specialty food stores. It may contain a higher amount of protein.**
For more info on the 21 Day Fix or the 21 Day Fix Extreme contact me Coach Lori Mudd and I can help you get started on a healthy path. Not sure what program would be best for you well let's talk and together we can come up with a plan that will work for you. You can send me a message on FB to or leave a message in the comments below. You can also send me an email to and I'll get back with you real soon. Until then blessings.
21 DFX Tofu Burger

Friday, July 10, 2015



Alright, Alright I’m going to start off by saying I wasn’t going to say anything and actually I haven’t said anything for several days, but I have a little too much Grandma Cravens in me to let things go without putting my 2 cents worth in. I post a lot of pictures of myself and I’m sure some of you think I’m vain as hell, but it’s part of my job, coaching, and it helps keep me accountable with my weight loss. Your comments and post mean the world to me and really help me to be successful. I generally am a positive person and don’t let negative comments drag me down, but the other day a lady posted under the picture below the comment, “yeah that’s easy for you to say”. That has irritated me for days now and the lady is a friend of my sister’s, so I called my sister all pissed off and let her clarify the comment and she reassured me that I misunderstood the intent and that probably is true.

The point is the lady is right it is easy for me to say that you are going to do it. I’m not telling you the journey is going to be easy, because it’s not and you already know that, right? How many diets have you been on? I’m telling you that the decision to get health and to lose the weight is easy, BUT that is just the 1st step.  NOW, NOW take step 2 make a plan and implement it TODAY!

  1. What changes are you going to make to the way you eat. Write them down- are you going to count calories, do the 21 Day Fix, Paleo, give up sugar, give up fast food, eat clean, find out what the hell eat clean means? Pick something and implement it!
  2. What are you going to do for fitness 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. And you are aiming for 5 days a week, so you will get at least 3 days a week in, because we all know there will be days we say f*** it, right? So, schedule 30 minutes 5 days a week for a workout. You can give up 1 tv show a night, the Vampire Diaries is getting old anyway now that Elena is dead. And this time is written in stone just like a doctor’s appt or a meeting at work, because it is just as important, if not more important, this is your life people!
  3. Join an accountability group so you can get the support you need to get through this, because it doesn’t happen overnight it takes days and days of consistent behavior to get results and you need that support for the long haul. I have groups all the time, but if you don’t like me or find me annoying there are plenty of other coaches out there who are willing to help you.

What ever you do, don’t just do nothing and sit there and let your life pass you by because it was easier to just do nothing at all. I thrive when I’m pissed off and I hope that you do too! You are blessed my friend open your eyes and take hold of that power and run with it. If you need help or want to talk send me a message to and I'll get back with you soon.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


 I just want to remind you that you are FREAKIN' AWESOME!!
   And to tell you to STOP settling for good enough, if it's not truly GOOD ENOUGH. Are you happy with your life? With the career you've chosen or the line of work you are doing? The partner you have chosen to be with for life(hum,hum)? The place that you live in? Your income? Don't fool yourself into believing that you have no control over these things, because you do!
   Just because you got with a man/ woman or got into a job 20 yrs ago and it was right at that time for you and your family doesn't mean that you are stuck with that decision for the rest of your life. We all have choices in our lives to make and we can choose to settle for a mediocre life where we are happy sometimes, but most of the time we are working our asses off to make ends meet, fighting with the people we love because we are so stressed over bills, work, LIFE! Or we can take a step of faith and choose a life of abundance. A life where we are happy the majority of the time and healthy, because we have reduced the worry and stress in our lives by making better choices. STRESS is the #1 factor that leads to overeating, which leads to obesity. I'm sure none of you are surprised by this fact. 
  But I've been with this company for 26 years I have to much invested to leave now! I spent a lot of time and money to get my degree I can't just throw it all away now it would be wasted! Let me ask you this do you know the average life expectancy of a human? So about how much more time no this earth do you have??? God willing and blah, blah, blah... Yeah, do you really have time to WASTE being unhappy, unfulfilled, trapped in a body that is weighing you down or burdened with financial issues that keep you from living the life of abundance that God has planned for you? Isn't it time that you INVEST in YOU?
  I'm telling you this as your friend and as someone who has been there. I wasted over 20 yrs of my life trapped in a body that kept me from being who I was destined to be and I don't want you to wake up one morning with regret knowing what you could have had, if only you had taken the chance and believed in yourself and your destiny. I remember crying because I so desperately wanted to go on the Optifast diet, it was the miracle diet at the time, and I didn't have the money. We were on Welfare with 2 kids and a new born baby and I was in nursing school. My husband was working but he had been let go of his job of 11 yrs when a new owner took over, so at his new job his pay was a lot less and ends were not meeting. I know now that those hard times had a purpose and that was to prepare me for my true calling. 
  It is my goal to give back to as many people as possible by helping them find their path to their life of abundance. Whether it be through weight loss or the coaching opportunity I know that this is what God has laid before me and I'm ready for the challenge the question is are you ready for your life of abundance?
Want to talk about it send me a message  or Look me up on FB at Lori'slosingit.  To join as a coach go to
smile emoticon

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


SHOUT OUT TO SHEILA MY BFF She has lost over 100+ lbs & signed up to be a coach just to get the discount on her monthly Shakeology. Hum, beautiful and smart!

The 1st picture is Ms. Sheila and me in New Orleans with our friends Diane and Carol. We had gone on a girls trip for 4 days and I remember being so excited to be going with this great group of women and so terrified that the airport would ask me to buy a 2nd ticket because I was to fat for just 1 seat. To add to it we changed planes several times up and back. Then squeezing into the taxis and the driver telling me, "you get up front you to big, to big for back"!

 It was horrible at the time, but looking back it saved my life, because it was just what I needed to take that leap towards losing the weight and getting healthy. Sheila lost her weight not to much longer after I lost mine. Then other people started asking about what I was doing to lose weight and could I give them tips-BAM I'm a coach! I'm no one special. I'm not a fitness expert, nutritionist, business person, nope just someone who lost weight with Beachbody products and loves to help others find their way to a healthier life too. Have you ever thought about being a coach?

If you'd like info on being a Beachbody coach fill out the application at the top of this blog under "I want to be a coach". No, you won't be signed up as a coach right then and there, so don't worry it will just get us started talking. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


                              160 CALORIE DINNER 

                    CHEESY EGGPLANT PARMESAN

I don't know about you, but I love me some Eggplant Parmesan! Don't let the name fool you or don't fool yourself into thinking that it's good for you, because it has the word "eggplant" in the title. Most recipes have taken what good there was in the eggplant and destroyed it by coating it in breading, then deep drying it, and smothering it in mounds of ricotta cheese and high fat mozzarella. But I found this delicious recipe that is low in calories and works great with the 21 Day Fix diet! Win! Win! Here goes:

  • Olive oil mister or nonstick cooking spray
  • 1 large eggplant, peeled and sliced crosswise into 3/4-in. thick rounds (total about  3 green) 
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 large egg white (total 2 reds)
  • 1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, divided
  • 1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese (total 4 blues)
  • 2 cups jarred low-sodium and low-fat or fat-free marinara sauce (total 2 purples)
  • Flat-leaf parsley, for garnish
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  1. Heat a large skillet over med-high heat; lightly coat with cooking spray and add some eggplant slices (as many as will fit a single layer). Season with pepper and cook until lightly browned, about 6 minutes. Turn eggplant over and season with more pepper. Reduce heat to medium and cook until eggplant is soft and cooked through, about 6 minutes longer. Repeat with the remaining slices and pepper, adding more cooking spray to the skillet as needed.
  2. In a food processor, pulse the cottage cheese until it is semi-smooth. Transfer to a medium bowl and stir in the egg white and 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese.
  3. Lightly coat a 11 x 7-in. baking dish with cooking spray, add half the eggplant slices. Top with cottage cheese and remaining eggplant slices, followed by marinara sauce. Sprinkle with mozzarella and then the remaining Parmesan cheese. Bake until hot and bubbling, about 30-40 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before serving. Garnish with parsley.
    To purchase the 21 Day Fix go to my site or contact me and I'll help you get started.
Serves 6
160 calories per serving  15 g protein  5g fat    7g sugar    3g dietary fiber
1/2 green   3/4 red    3/4 purple   1 blue

Monday, April 20, 2015



I admit most of the time I am behind the times, so maybe most of you out there have already heard of this Dry Brushing thing, me not so much. I've seen the long handle, wood, bristle brushes in the stores, but I just thought they were for scrubbing your back when you were taking a bath or shower. Little did I know that there was so much more to the mysterious brush.  Basically dry brushing is suppose to be good for you and helps to exfoliate and detoxify the body. 

How does is work? Well the exfoliating part is easy enough, when you dry brush you use a brush with stiff bristles, prior to showering (also dry brushing is suppose to make you feel energized and stimulated, so in the morning is the best time to do it), and with light pressure against the skin you brush your skin with long, upward strokes. This action removes dead skin and improves appearance, plus it will allow moisturizers to be more effective when applied after your shower. According to Shape magazine.

For the Detoxifying part dry brushing aides the body in detoxifying by helping to move lymph fluid into the lymph nodes, so this waste can be eliminated by your body. The body does this naturally, dry brushing just helps to speed up the process. 

Dry Brushing's BIG Claim is that it reduces cellulite! What?
The jury is still out on that one, but some research shows that the appearance of cellulite may be reduced for a day or 2, because of the swelling after the dry brushing.  So, basically the dimples in your thighs are less noticeable for a day or two-Hey us chicks will take what we can get, right? 

How do you Dry Brush?

First you have to have the right kind of brush. You need a brush with firm bristles and a long handle.
Start at your feet and with long, upward strokes move up each leg. Then do your abdomen, back, and across your chest. Then your arms towards your armpits. Now it is time to shower!

Possible Benefits:
-skin problems such as acne improve
-feel more energized
-improve digestive issues
-skin is softer and radiant 
-exfoliates the skin
-aides in detoxifying 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


                                                HOW I BECAME A BEACHBODY COACH

I'm writing this post to thank the people at Beachbody, yeah I know it's "just a company", but really it's not and that's why I love it so much and why I'm so grateful for all it/they have done for me.

Back when I weighed 350 lbs I felt hopeless, that there was no way in hell I could lose 200 lbs (I had my high school weight in my head as my goal weight and "yes" I'm over that)! I've struggled with my weight my whole life I remember in high school drinking Carnation instant breakfast in the morning before school and not eating the rest of the day, until supper and that was a small plate of whatever Grandma had made that day then nothing else. At 150 lbs my hip bones stuck out & my stomach was flat, but my best friend, who has a small frame, weighed 120 lbs and had a muffin top, continually commented that she couldn't believe I was fatter then her, plus she wore a 9 and I wore a 12, so I was bigger. She wasn't being vicious, but it added to my insecurities and obsession with my weight.
I always felt the need to be perfect, to get the best grades, to be good, and make grandma proud, but I messed that up and got pregnant at 18 so there went all the dreams of college. I found a great man a couple years later and after my 2nd son the weight really started to come on. My husband lost his job that he had worked at for 11 yrs when a new company came in & got rid of all the management and he was one of them. Of course, it happened a couple weeks after I had quit my job to go to nursing school full-time-more weight. We ended up having to file for bankruptcy and lost our home.

 If any of you have been to nursing school you know the stress is unbelievable that they deliberately try to weed you out, because the school has to keep it's certification and they do that by people passing the boards, so they try and get rid of the weak links before testing. I was in nursing school, worked full-time as a CNA, and I had a baby on Monday was discharged from the hospital Tuesday and went and took my check offs on Wednesday, because if you didn't pass check offs you had to sit out a whole year and I was to poor to wait another year to get out of school. It turns out I ended up taking another year, because my next instructor told me I was to fat to be a nurse and even though I had an A in the class, she tried to fail me in the clinical part, so I transferred to a different school and graduated with a BSN in Nursing.
I have been a nurse for `19 yrs and I love it! But being a nurse and weighing 350 lbs was literally killing me. After what should have been a fun vacation with 3 of my best friends I decided to have the magical gastric bypass surgery. Yeah, I lost 50 lbs and that was it-BAM! No more, now what I still have 150 lbs to lose? Then I saw an Infomercial with this beautiful blonde lady and TurboFire and I thought "Wow that really looks fun". So, I ordered it and in 3 months 75 lbs were gone! Then later I started drinking Shakeology® and I've never felt better in my life. To be honest I joined as a Beachbody coach to get the discounts, but I realized I was kinda working as a coach already, because people noticed my weight lose and were always asking me questions. Helping people is in my nature, hello I'm a nurse, and if I can help just 1 person lose weight and feel as good as I do then I've done my job. I'm active again. I'm healthy. I'm eternally grateful to Chalene Johnson and Beachbody for saving my life and giving me an opportunity for a new one. I am truly blessed to be a Beachbody Coach. Have you ever thought about being a coach? Would you like a chance to find out more about coaching and it's opportunities? If "yes" then send me a message to or join me on FB and send me a friend request Hope to hear from you soon!

My sister joined in on the action too! That's me on top before and after. Bottom is my sister Lisa and her before and after.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Breakfast for only 131 calories-Zucchini, Red Pepper,& Sweet Potato Frittata

                                                   Breakfast for only 131 calories!

If you hate veggies the way that I hate veggies then you have to start early to try and get all your servings of vegetables in for the day. It is always hard for me to find a way to slip a vegetable in with breakfast, but with this yummy recipe I get a serving of vegetables in 1st thing in the morning along with a healthy dose of carbs for energy and protein to keep me feeling full longer. This is just one of the many quick and easy recipes that are available on The Beachbody Blog that you have access to with your Beachbody club membership. Don't have a Beachbody club membership or need to know more about it then send me a friend request on Facebook @ or check it out for yourself at If you like this recipe please share it with your friends and make sure you hit  "like", so a copy of the recipe will be saved to your facebook account.
Zucchini and Red Pepper Frittata
2 tsp. olive oil
3 medium zucchini, thinly sliced
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
½ medium onion, chopped
1 cooked medium sweet potato, cut into 1-inch cubes
¼ cup chopped fresh basil
¼ tsp. sea salt
6 large eggs, lightly beaten
¼ cup crumbled goat cheese (1½ oz.)
1. Heat oil in a 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat.
2. Add zucchini, bell pepper, and onion; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 minutes, or until zucchini is tender.
3. Add sweet potato, basil, and salt. Increase heat to medium-high; cook, stirring frequently, for about 30 to 60 seconds, or until the moisture has evaporated. Reduce heat to medium-low.
4. Add eggs to vegetable mixture. Mix until combined; cook, without stirring, for about 2 to 3 minutes, or until the bottom is light golden. As it cooks, lift the edges and tilt skillet so uncooked eggs flow to the edges.
5. Reduce heat to low; continue cooking, covered, for 15 to 18 minutes, or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.
6. Garnish with reserved basil; serve immediately.Frittatas are healthy, easy, and packed with protein. Our zucchini, red pepper, sweet potato frittata recipe is loaded with fresh veggies and tastes delicious.
Total Time: 41 min.                                          calories 131 per servings
Prep Time: 15 min.                                           fat 7g
Cooking Time: 26 min.                                     protein 8 gm
Yield: 4 servings                                                Dietary fiber 2 gm
                                                                            carbs 10 gm
                                                                            Sugar 5 gm
1-green 1-yellow 1-red 1/4-blue

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lose weight without exercising! Example of a meal plan for a 21 Fix day.

                      21 DAY FIX MEAL PLAN

It doesn't have to be complicated, you don't have to starve yourself, you don't have to kill yourself with monster workouts. Simple nutrition, dedication, and consistency is the path to success. It doesn't matter how many times you've tried before and failed there's always one more time and this time IS your time. You do not have to live, exist trapped in an obese person's body. You have the right to be free, free from the burdens the excess weight puts on you. To live and be healthy and happy! Make that commitment just 1 more time-Today-Right now! I'm here to help if you need me just comment below or message me privately Good luck.
This is an example of some of the foods and meals I eat in a day. I try to eat every 2 hrs and stop eating at least  2 hours before I go to bed. #Healthychoices #21DayFix

Tuesday, March 24, 2015



You've heard of the "get rich quick scheme" well don't you fall victim to the "get skinny quick scheme" like I have many times in my life. All these diets that promise outrageous amounts of weight loss and fast results-diets where you drink only shakes all day, or eat cabbage soup for every meal, these are the diets I'm talking about. Don't get me wrong most of the time these quick fix diets do work, but the results are very short lasting, but the damage they do to your body are not. Why do these diets work? Usually because they have dangerously low caloric intake <1000 per day (even for the thinnest person this is not healthy). Your body is at a major calorie deficit so you're going to lose weight, but you will also lose muscle, do damage to your vital organs (liver, heart, kidneys), and mess up your metabolism big time.

The weight always comes back on and it brings it's friends with it, a few more pounds. The unhealthiness of Yo Yo dieting is well documented (Yo Yo dieting is losing weight then gaining it back, then losing it again, and so on...) and NO it is not just better to go a head and stay fat! Lol. Nice try, the answer is to change the way you think about losing weight. This time you're not going on a diet, you're making changes to the way you eat. Pick 1 thing that you are going to change this week about your eating habits-give up soft drinks regular or diet both are bad for you, cut back on salt, stop eating out, etc...Focus on changing just that one thing this week.

Before you start you can weigh, but also take your measurements, I know I hated doing it too but believe me later on you will be happy that you did, write down how you feel-are you tired all the time, grumpy, stomach problems, aches pains in knees & other areas? Don't obsess over the scale find other ways to measure success. How do your clothes fit? How do you feel? Do you have more energy? Are you more focused? Do you sleep better? Are you less fatigued? Are you less cranky? Can you walk a flight of stairs and not get winded? Do your knees not hurt?
You didn't gain the weight over night, so don't expect to lose it over night. It was a hard lesson for me to learn, but it is an important one if you want to be successful in keeping the weight off. Change your mind then change your world. Blessings. FOR MORE INFO ON WAYS THAT I CAN HELP YOU
352 lbs start and 179 lbs finish
18 months to lose
off for 5 years

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved Sweet Potato & Chicken Bake

                         21 DAY FIX APPROVED


This recipe is inspired by one of my family's favorite dinner dishes-Loaded Baked Potato & Chicken Casserole, which is the! Probably because it is loaded with lots of yummy stuff like white potatoes, bacon, and cheese. Oh yeah, and calories! So, after pouting when my boys were tearing up the tasty stuff and I couldn't partake, because of the 21 Day Fix meal plan(well I could have but that would pretty much have been all my containers for the day) I decided to come up with a diet friendly version. Most cooks says you know it's good when the kids will eat it, but at my house the hubby is far worse then the kids and Mr. Mudd loved this dish, OMG somebody call the Press Mr. Mudd likes something healthy! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.


  • 1 medium size sweet potato,diced
  • 2 (3 oz) chicken cutlets or 6 oz of rotisserie chicken if short on time.
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, shredded
  • 3 Tsp extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • dash cinnamon 
Preheat your oven to 475. In a medium bowl, mix garlic powder, salt, pepper, and oil. Add the potatoes and coat with the mixture. Place the potatoes into a baking dish sprayed with canola oil, leave as much of the mix as possible in the bowl. Bake the potatoes for 30 minutes. Flip the potatoes every 10-15 minutes. Check with a fork to ensure the potatoes are done. While the potatoes are baking coat the chicken with the left over mixture and cook in a skillet over medium heat, 3 minutes each side, until done (no longer pink inside!) Once the potatoes are done, take them out of the oven and turn the oven temperature down to 400. Add the dash of cinnamon (more if you like I don't really like cinnamon but it's good for you so...)  Dice the chicken and add it to the potatoes, mix together. Now throw the Parmesan cheese on top of it all and return the dish to the oven for 5-10 minutes or until the cheese is melted.
(Just a side note I made mine without the cheese, since we only get 1 blue a day a dish must be "blue worthy", and it was still awesome).
Servings 2    
per serving     1-Red  1-Yellow  1 1/2- tsp oil  1/2-Blue
For more info on the 21 Day Fix drop me a line on fb
Already know what you want and are ready to get started, then go to my site to get your program.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015



I know, I know you think I’m crazy but just hear me out for a couple of seconds. I use to weigh over 350 lbs and with the help of Turbofire and Shakeology, plus hard work, I lost >150 lbs. Life was great! I was able to be active with my kids, I could workout, I ran a 5K, people were telling me how good I looked-what could be better?

Then I tore a tendon in my hip and wasn’t able to workout, so some of the weight started coming back on. And that made me depressed, which lead to more eating…then I had a hysterectomy, was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my father became ill and died…blah, blah…life happened and I gained 75 lbs back. The gym had always been my sanctuary, the place I went to workout my problems and clear my head and now I couldn’t do that, all I could do was sit at home and think.
The problem wasn’t that I couldn’t lose weight, because I had done that numerous times throughout my life. What the pros call a Yo-Yo dieter where you lose weight then gain it back, usually even more, then lose it again. So, what the hell is the problem?! That answer was hidden under many layers of fat, because for 8% of obese people “Obesity is the solution, not the problem” according to a study done by the CDC. It’s the solution because it hides all the pain, it hides you, the person so others don’t see you they only see fat and they won’t want to touch you, abuse you, hurt you the way you were hurt as a child. Traumatic childhood events (usually sexual abuse) leads to adult obesity, that 8% that I’m a member of.
One unknown person was quoted as saying, “Overweight is overlooked and that’s the way I need to be”. Holy Hell! That made it all click for me, because maybe consciously I loved the praise I was getting when I lost the weight, but somewhere in the back of my mind there was this little worrier saying “you’re to thin it’s going to happen again”. Now I know what the true problem is and it has caused me to be an addict, yes I said addict because that is what I am a Food Addict, so it is time to let it go.
The best way to get rid of the problem is to write it on a piece of paper and say out loud what the problem is that is holding you back and tell it that it doesn’t have any hold over you anymore. Then burn it or tear it up, flush it down the toilet whatever just get rid of it once and for all. Go forward from this day on knowing that obesity is no longer the solution for you, that you are healed. Your past is not your future. Go forth knowing you are whole, you are at peace, you are never alone and you are loved.

Monday, February 16, 2015

21 Day Fix Friendly Chicken Marsala

                                                             21 Day Fix Friendly
                                                               Chicken Marsala

 I'm always on the lookout for new recipes that are 21 Day Fix friendly, easy to make, and can be thrown together in a crockpot or one-an-done. This Paleo inspired meal is the Triple Crown with it's basic ingredients of chicken and vegetables, marinating in a baggy, then cooking it all in 1 pot for only 30 minutes- AND IT'S LOW CAL CHICKEN MARSALA FOR THE WIN!


  • One 3 to 6 quart dutch oven.
  • One large ziplock bag for marinating.


  • 1 to 2 pounds of boneless/skinless chicken breast.
  • 1/2 cup of Tomato Balsamic dressing.
  • 1 small package (2 to 3 cups) of sliced bella mushrooms.
  • 1 medium white or vidalia onion, cut in half and sliced into medium strips.
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups of fresh chopped tomato or tomato sauce.
  • 1 tbsp of Extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.
  • 2 cloves of garlic, smashed and minced.
  • salt & pepper to taste.


  1. Before cooking, place chicken thighs in your ziplock bag with 1/2 cup of the tomato balsamic dressing. Marinate for at least 1 hour.
  2. Place your dutch oven on a stovetop burner, set to medium heat, and also turn your oven on to 350°F.
  3. Add your oil and garlic to your dutch oven, stir and raise heat to medium-high.
  4. Season your chicken thighs with salt and pepper, and add to your dutch oven (with any remaining dressing from the bag) to brown, about 1 to 2 minutes on each side.
  5. Once browned, remove your dutch oven from the hot burner. Add your tomatoes.
  6. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to stir the tomatoes and scrape the bottom of your dutch oven. That is where the flavor lies.
  7. Add your onions and mushrooms to the top of your chicken and tomatoes, no need to stir in.
  8. Cover and put into your 350°F oven for 25 to 30 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and serve! It goes great with a spinach salad. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015



There was a time when a person was as good as their word. If they gave you their word that they were going to do something you didn't need to "get it in writing", because they gave you "their word" and that meant that it would be done. A person's word was a testament to their character it said who they were- dependable, truthful, strong, reliable. People didn't just throw words around like "I'll let you know" or "I'll message you later" or "I'd love to help", unless they truly meant to do those things.
Of course, there were times when emergencies came up.  When they had to back out of obligations that they made, but the situations were honestly emergencies.  Not because the person didn't feel like fulfilling their promise when a better offer came around or because it became inconvenient to live up to their promise.

I want us all to take the time today to reflect over the past few days. Are there promises that you've made to others that you've neglected to follow through on? Quick little, "Hey I'll get back with you!" or "I'll email that number." that seem trivial to you, but may very well be important to that other person. What does your "word" say about you?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme

After 3 rounds of the 21 Day Fix and >30 lbs gone I'm ready to cross that finish line and hit my goal weight by going EXTREME, 21 Day Fix Extreme! On 2/16/15 my 21 Day Fix Support Group will be blasting off!!! You can go low key (with the original 21 Day Fix) or FULL THROTTLE (21 Day Fix Extreme) just let me know which 1 you want to do. Can't decide, drop me a message below or on fb and I'll be glad to help you pick what's best for you to get you to your fitness goal.
Oh, did I mention both programs are on sale and you can check them out on my LIKE pg, if you know what you want when you're there then hit the "shop now" button at the top of the pg and you can go straight to my site and purchase your  program. 

(then it was on back order for months and I'd hate for you to miss out on this fabulous deal and program, just sayin...)

One more thing before I go if you've struggled to have success with your weight loss goals in the past and you've never tried a program with a coach then I ask that you give this, me a try. As your coach I'll help you get started, stay motivated, and get results! Together we'll succeed in crushing our goals! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Weight Loss Surgery-Friend or Foe?


I'm writing this blog in the hopes that maybe just one person will read it and believe me, because all of my friends, family members, co-workers, the majority of them never did. Unfortunately, they had to find out the hard way for themselves, so here goes. Weight loss surgery is not an "easy, quick" way out of a fat situation.

I had gastric by-pass surgery in 2008 and my sister had the gastric band. At the time I weighed 352 lbs and 50 lbs did come off rather quickly, but that was it and I still had 150 lbs to go. My sister had similar results and she weighed about the same maybe a little less. I was not about to give up after all I had gone through, so I buckled down and started working out everyday and eating a healthy diet. Eventually I reached my goal weight of 178 lbs!! People had noticed my transformation, people who also needed or wanted to lose weight and I was happy to share my secrets with them. I told them it was diet and exercise, but of course, they were aware I had had the surgery and if they weren't as soon as they heard about the surgery they stopped listening to anything else I had to say. They just believed that the surgery was the answer and not the diet and exercise.

After my sister and I had the weight loss procedures and had success at least 12 more people at work went and had the surgery. What type of success did they have? Only 1 woman reached her goal weight and she had the band and never once went and had fluid put in it. She changed her diet and I mean she changed her diet! She became vegan and she is very serious about it too. A 2nd lady had great success, even though she didn't reach her goal weight, she looks fantastic (she did have complication from the band, it eroded through her stomach, she got peritonitis, and she was in the hospital for months). The rest lost little to none, because they didn't believe they needed to change their diet and they didn't need to exercise.

The moral of the story is don't place your hopes, dreams on a magic band, surgery, pill, because it doesn't exist! I'm not telling you not to have weight loss surgery it is absolutely necessary for some people, but you need to see it for what it is-a TOOL to help you reach your goal. You don't assemble a cabinet with just a hammer, you need a screw driver, and a saw to cut the wood. It's the same with losing weight there are many tools that work together to build your success, your healthy life.

 I greatly encourage you if you are over weight, especially if you are >50 lbs over weight, to find a plan to get on to help you lose the weight. I wasted so many years being obese, so much time not getting to do things because I was to big to fit in the rides, or to heavy to ride the horse or to zipline, etc... Or just to feel good and you don't realize how bad you feel, until you feel REALLY good. And with every pound that comes off you'll feel better and better I promise you that. Good luck.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

FROM FAT TO FIERCE (Nope it's not all about losing weight).


As a coach your mentors tell you to find your "why" your reason for wanting to be a coach and that it needs to be so strong and personal that it would make you cry to think about it. They also tell you to develop your story, so you can share it with other people and connect with them on a deeper level. I have to be honest I thought, "What the crap! I don't have a profound, touching story that will make people connect to me." I'm just me, someone who was 352 lbs and finally got their act together and lost 178 lbs- that's it! Just a fat girl, or as my friend use to call me "Big Girl", who with diet and exercise took off the pounds and put on a healthier life.

But then I took the time to really think about the weight loss and why did the diet and exercise work this time. Because I've been over weight for many years now, since the birth of my second son, and I've tried numerous diets, exercise programs, weight loss programs, you name it. Some with success and others not so much, so why this time was I successful at reaching my goal? The answer was found in what the mentoring coaches were telling me to do "find your why". I didn't realize it at the time back when I made the decision to go on this final diet/life style change, but that was what I had done and that was what made the difference.

Usually I would go on a diet wanting to lose weight with the superficial  idea of looking good, and there is nothing wrong with that I still want to be "sexy", but that wasn't a deep enough reason to keep me committed to the chore of losing 173 lbs. It took me almost 2 yrs to reach my goal, so it didn't happen over night. It was small changes that were done consistently day in and day out, until I had success.

So, I did some soul searching and went over my life ,yes my childhood, and events that lead me to do what I'd been doing all these years, covering my pain with food, and I had to deal with them. Those issues were a type of cancer that kept eating at me, which drove me to eat so I could hide behind the FAT (fear, anger, tears). But once I dealt with those issue, treated that cancer and made the decision to be FIERCE (focused, in touch, energized, relentless, calm, enduring) nothing could stop me from losing the weight or reaching any goal that I set for myself.

The point of this blog is to let you know when your coach or me talk to you about finding your "why"  don't just blow it off like I did, because it really is important. Deep down there are reasons behind the things we do, whether we want to believe it or not. A lot of times we think we've dealt with things, but we've only pushed them aside and they will show up in ways that we don't want them to. Remember you are FIERCE!

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