Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Want To Know How To Make Your Fitness Your Business?

I have to start off by saying that I absolutely love being a nurse and the day I graduated nursing school was one of the happiest days of my life. I had wanted to be a nurse for as long as I could remember, so it was a dream come true for me. What I love about nursing is helping others and a nurse does that in many ways; we give them medication, monitor their condition and alert the md when there are problems, we take care of their emotional needs, and we support their families as well. Being there for the patient and their family emotionally and helping them to find resources to lighten their burden is my heart and soul, but management makes that harder and harder to do everyday.

My nursing pay check has supported my family for 19 years now. When my youngest son was born he had asthma and couldn't go to daycare and I made more money than my husband, so the decision was made for him to stay home with the kids ( 4 boys) and me to work. He did go back to work when Seth was older, but he does heating and cooling for a living and it is not a reliable income. I worked 12 hour nightshifts on the weekends, so I could take the kids to school during the week.

 Now the children are grown and I find myself at a new chapter in my life. I have FREE TIME! No running the kids to 4 different schools. No after school activities-practices, ball games,etc... No "Can you take me to my friends house." All these things use to drive me crazy and now I kinda miss them. Anyone else have that problem? Anyway no more running, so now what? I'm frustrated with work, I love being a Beachbody Coach and helping others find their path to a healthy life, and I've been trying to find a way to get more involve with my faith, so...

I've done a lot of praying and I've known for a while now that my path now lies with coaching, but I haven't been brave enough to take that leap and build my team into a full-time career. What would people think? Would I lose my identity if I didn't work as a nurse? I realize now that my ministry is through coaching. God brought me through my addiction to food and blessed me with a 175 lb weight loss. I know now that all those years I suffered with obesity I was being forged into a weapon for His glory, so I could fight to bring his people back to the fold. Have you ever felt confused as to why God would make you go through so much crap?

If you're at a crossroads in your life-empty nest syndrome, fed up with a job that holds you down, just looking for something more, something to help you get closer to your faith, then let me suggest that you check out Beachbody Coaching.
When you join my team:

  • You will receive training from the Top Coaches in the company.
  • You will be mentored by me and given step by step instructions on how to get your business started, but it is YOUR business & YOUR choice to run it the way you see fit.
  • You will be a part of a team that has Faith, Family, and Fitness as their core values and you will be supported, not just as a team member, but as part of our family.
  • You will be shown how you can run a successful business by investing just 1 hour a day.
  • You are not required to sale anything.
  • You do not have to be a fitness instructor or trainer.
  • You do not have to be at your goal weight.
  • Beachbody doesn't guarantee any level of income or success that is all based on each coaches hard work and effort. 
shakeology, Beachbody, coaching, Weight loss, Cize
Free Beachbody Club Membership
**Are you ready to take that first step down the path to a new life of abundance that God has promised you?

 I'm asking you to be Fearless! Fearless doesn't mean you're not afraid. It means you're terrified, but you do what you know is right anyway. So, make the right choice for you and your life! Send me a message For more deets!

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