Tuesday, December 16, 2014

FROM FAT TO FIERCE (Nope it's not all about losing weight).


As a coach your mentors tell you to find your "why" your reason for wanting to be a coach and that it needs to be so strong and personal that it would make you cry to think about it. They also tell you to develop your story, so you can share it with other people and connect with them on a deeper level. I have to be honest I thought, "What the crap! I don't have a profound, touching story that will make people connect to me." I'm just me, someone who was 352 lbs and finally got their act together and lost 178 lbs- that's it! Just a fat girl, or as my friend use to call me "Big Girl", who with diet and exercise took off the pounds and put on a healthier life.

But then I took the time to really think about the weight loss and why did the diet and exercise work this time. Because I've been over weight for many years now, since the birth of my second son, and I've tried numerous diets, exercise programs, weight loss programs, you name it. Some with success and others not so much, so why this time was I successful at reaching my goal? The answer was found in what the mentoring coaches were telling me to do "find your why". I didn't realize it at the time back when I made the decision to go on this final diet/life style change, but that was what I had done and that was what made the difference.

Usually I would go on a diet wanting to lose weight with the superficial  idea of looking good, and there is nothing wrong with that I still want to be "sexy", but that wasn't a deep enough reason to keep me committed to the chore of losing 173 lbs. It took me almost 2 yrs to reach my goal, so it didn't happen over night. It was small changes that were done consistently day in and day out, until I had success.

So, I did some soul searching and went over my life ,yes my childhood, and events that lead me to do what I'd been doing all these years, covering my pain with food, and I had to deal with them. Those issues were a type of cancer that kept eating at me, which drove me to eat so I could hide behind the FAT (fear, anger, tears). But once I dealt with those issue, treated that cancer and made the decision to be FIERCE (focused, in touch, energized, relentless, calm, enduring) nothing could stop me from losing the weight or reaching any goal that I set for myself.

The point of this blog is to let you know when your coach or me talk to you about finding your "why"  don't just blow it off like I did, because it really is important. Deep down there are reasons behind the things we do, whether we want to believe it or not. A lot of times we think we've dealt with things, but we've only pushed them aside and they will show up in ways that we don't want them to. Remember you are FIERCE!


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