Friday, July 10, 2015



Alright, Alright I’m going to start off by saying I wasn’t going to say anything and actually I haven’t said anything for several days, but I have a little too much Grandma Cravens in me to let things go without putting my 2 cents worth in. I post a lot of pictures of myself and I’m sure some of you think I’m vain as hell, but it’s part of my job, coaching, and it helps keep me accountable with my weight loss. Your comments and post mean the world to me and really help me to be successful. I generally am a positive person and don’t let negative comments drag me down, but the other day a lady posted under the picture below the comment, “yeah that’s easy for you to say”. That has irritated me for days now and the lady is a friend of my sister’s, so I called my sister all pissed off and let her clarify the comment and she reassured me that I misunderstood the intent and that probably is true.

The point is the lady is right it is easy for me to say that you are going to do it. I’m not telling you the journey is going to be easy, because it’s not and you already know that, right? How many diets have you been on? I’m telling you that the decision to get health and to lose the weight is easy, BUT that is just the 1st step.  NOW, NOW take step 2 make a plan and implement it TODAY!

  1. What changes are you going to make to the way you eat. Write them down- are you going to count calories, do the 21 Day Fix, Paleo, give up sugar, give up fast food, eat clean, find out what the hell eat clean means? Pick something and implement it!
  2. What are you going to do for fitness 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. And you are aiming for 5 days a week, so you will get at least 3 days a week in, because we all know there will be days we say f*** it, right? So, schedule 30 minutes 5 days a week for a workout. You can give up 1 tv show a night, the Vampire Diaries is getting old anyway now that Elena is dead. And this time is written in stone just like a doctor’s appt or a meeting at work, because it is just as important, if not more important, this is your life people!
  3. Join an accountability group so you can get the support you need to get through this, because it doesn’t happen overnight it takes days and days of consistent behavior to get results and you need that support for the long haul. I have groups all the time, but if you don’t like me or find me annoying there are plenty of other coaches out there who are willing to help you.

What ever you do, don’t just do nothing and sit there and let your life pass you by because it was easier to just do nothing at all. I thrive when I’m pissed off and I hope that you do too! You are blessed my friend open your eyes and take hold of that power and run with it. If you need help or want to talk send me a message to and I'll get back with you soon.

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