Tuesday, December 1, 2015


GOOD MORNING MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! How did the weekend go? Are we all still recovering from Thanksgiving? Today is a new day and another chance to get it right. So, take the good from the past week and learn from the bad, but let it go after that. Don't beat yourself up over the mistakes you've made learn from them and move on! The only way that you're a failure is if you quit or you never even try to begin with and the fact that you're checking out my page shows that you are interested in making a change for the better.

People ask me all the time how do I get motivated? Or they say they just can't get motivated to workout or start their diet. SO...

You set small goals that you can achieve daily. Yes, we all have the BIG Goal of wanting to lose xxx amount of weight, but you need to break that down into small, daily achievable goals, so that you will see success and get a feeling of accomplishment frequently. And that feeling will motivate you to want to continue on to you BIG GOAL!

 It's going to take some time before you lose the weight, you didn't gain it over night, so it will NOT come off over night. If you have a lot of weight to lose it can be 6-8 weeks before you SEE or notice a change in your body, even though the scale is going down, and it can take a good 35 lb weight loss before anyone else notices and starts giving you praise. So, you need to have a strong 'WHY" (reason for wanting to lose the weight) and small, daily "WOO HOO" to get you through the tough times.

Another way to help you stay motivated is to surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up. People who will encourage you, but they'll hold you accountable to your goals too. Yes, it's nice to hear how wonderful we are, but we also need people who are going to tell us the truth and remind us of our goals and let us know when we're screwing around. I'm not talking about "Nay Sayers" see my post on  NAY SAYERS . I mean someone who will be honest with you when you're getting off track. And make sure it is someone you will listen to and maybe you're just a little bit afraid of disappointing them, so you'll heed their warning.

Back to surrounding yourself with positive people, that is the beauty of joining a Challenge or Support Group. When you can't get what you need at home a support group is a great place to get the accountability, support, inspiration, and encouragement you need to reach your goals. If you've never tried a group before I host FREE groups every month, so please join me at anytime and see what a difference it'll make in your weight loss. You'll have FREE Coaching from me and you'll be with people who are going through the same thing you are, so they understand your fight and may have the answer that you are looking for too.

To join the next Support group click on "Weight Loss Support Group" on the left hand column and fill out the form. I'll get back with you ASAP. :)

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