Showing posts with label #wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #wellness. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Shakeology Chocolate Chip Energy Bar

Looking for a quick and portable pick me up or maybe you need an alternative to drinking your daily dose of dense nutrition? Then give this yummy Chocolate Shakeology Energy Bar recipe a try! With only 148 calories per bar, which is 1-purple 1/2-red for my Fixers, you can't go wrong for a D-lish and grab-n-go snack.

  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 crushed walnuts
  • 1 cup old fashion oats
  • 1/2 unsweetened vanilla Almond milk
  • 1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 3 scoops Chocolate Shakeology
  1. Take an 8x8 dish spray with olive oil cooking spray
  2. Pat mixture down tight into pan and throw in fridge, until hard (about an hour)
  3. Cut into 12 serving size bars
EACH BAR=148 calories or 1-purple 1/2-red

For more info on the 21 Day Fix checkout my site at 21 Day Fix

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


                BEULLAH BITCHES!! IT IS HERE! 

The Master's Hammer & Chisel workout series from Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix) and Sagi Kalev (BodyBeast), 2 SUPERSTARS, 1 FREAKIN' AWESOME Workout program to get your body ripped and defined like never before!
Beachbody previewed this program back at Summit in July and I've been burning with anticipation ever since waiting for the release date and here it is-HELL YEAH! Just in time for a Christmas present for me and just in time for me to have a smokin' body for my F**** Birthday on 1/3/16.
Yep, it'll be the BIG 5-0, so I'll need all the support I can get for the January 4th Challenge Group, so get your challenge packs soon that way we can hit it hard starting on the 4th. You can do whatever Beachbody Program you like it doesn't have to be Hammer and Chisel, you do have to drink Shakeology daily, and check into the Facebook group daily-them's the rules, you feel me?

** FILL OUT THE SUPPORT GROUP FORM ABOVE BY CLICKING ON THE "Weight Loss Support Group" button and I'll get back with you ASAP, so we can find the program that is right for you
BEACHBODY IS GIVING YOU 2 AWESOME OPTIONS FOR YOUR HAMMER & CHISEL CHALLENGE PACKS. You can get a Regular Challenge pack with the workout program and a month supply of Shakeology or the workout program and a month supply of Beachbody Performance (preworkout drink and post workout drink) both for the same price!!
Check it out on my site at
Hammer & Chisel with Performance line
Hammer and Chisel CP with Shakeology


GOOD MORNING MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! How did the weekend go? Are we all still recovering from Thanksgiving? Today is a new day and another chance to get it right. So, take the good from the past week and learn from the bad, but let it go after that. Don't beat yourself up over the mistakes you've made learn from them and move on! The only way that you're a failure is if you quit or you never even try to begin with and the fact that you're checking out my page shows that you are interested in making a change for the better.

People ask me all the time how do I get motivated? Or they say they just can't get motivated to workout or start their diet. SO...

You set small goals that you can achieve daily. Yes, we all have the BIG Goal of wanting to lose xxx amount of weight, but you need to break that down into small, daily achievable goals, so that you will see success and get a feeling of accomplishment frequently. And that feeling will motivate you to want to continue on to you BIG GOAL!

 It's going to take some time before you lose the weight, you didn't gain it over night, so it will NOT come off over night. If you have a lot of weight to lose it can be 6-8 weeks before you SEE or notice a change in your body, even though the scale is going down, and it can take a good 35 lb weight loss before anyone else notices and starts giving you praise. So, you need to have a strong 'WHY" (reason for wanting to lose the weight) and small, daily "WOO HOO" to get you through the tough times.

Another way to help you stay motivated is to surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up. People who will encourage you, but they'll hold you accountable to your goals too. Yes, it's nice to hear how wonderful we are, but we also need people who are going to tell us the truth and remind us of our goals and let us know when we're screwing around. I'm not talking about "Nay Sayers" see my post on  NAY SAYERS . I mean someone who will be honest with you when you're getting off track. And make sure it is someone you will listen to and maybe you're just a little bit afraid of disappointing them, so you'll heed their warning.

Back to surrounding yourself with positive people, that is the beauty of joining a Challenge or Support Group. When you can't get what you need at home a support group is a great place to get the accountability, support, inspiration, and encouragement you need to reach your goals. If you've never tried a group before I host FREE groups every month, so please join me at anytime and see what a difference it'll make in your weight loss. You'll have FREE Coaching from me and you'll be with people who are going through the same thing you are, so they understand your fight and may have the answer that you are looking for too.

To join the next Support group click on "Weight Loss Support Group" on the left hand column and fill out the form. I'll get back with you ASAP. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Obianuju N.

Transformation Tuesday: Obianuju N.

I like to introduce you all to my beautiful friend and frequent Challenge Group Challenger Obianuju N. Sometime ago Obianuju sent me a message asking to join one of my Free Clean Eating groups, so I said "yes" and added her to the group, which she ROCKED. Next I had a 21 Day Fix group and she wanted to join it as well, now the requirement to join was for the person to purchase a 21 Day Fix program and Shakeology. Obianuju said she had the 21 Day Fix and couldn't get Shakeology, because of where she lived  and then she went on to explain how she has to get her programs. Of course, I let her join my group and every group since then, because she is freakin' awesome!

 Now this young mother of 3 use to weigh close to 300 lbs and has lost over 100 lbs with several Beachbody  programs the 21 Day Fix and Cize being the most recent ones. She loves to drink Shakeology, but rarely has the opportunity to do so because of limited availability. Yep, she has a hard time getting Shakeology to her location in AFRICA, yes I said Africa, and the Beachbody programs that she uses her sister has purchased for her when she was here in the USA on business.

That's part of what makes Obianuju story so amazing to me here she lives half way around the world, has to really make an effort to purchase the product, her food sources are limited and yet she still shows up everyday in my Challenge group with a positive attitude and encouraging words to others in the group. Technically, I'm not Obianuju's coach, because she has never purchased anything from me, but she refers to me as such and that is fine with me.

  Obianuju is paying it forward by teaching free fitness classes at her church in Nigeria. She also continues to inspire and encourage the members of my Crushing It Challenge group with her determination and her never fading smile. She thanks me often for letting her in my groups and the support that I've given her, but she has given me so much more just by being herself-an awesome, strong, woman of God. Be Blessed my sister and carry on.


Are you ready for your own success story? Start with emailing me today at or by filling out the little Support Group form on the side to get started. WHY NOT YOU?

Thursday, November 19, 2015


HAPPY HOLIDAYS! JOY TO THE WORLD! For most of us this time of year is filled with good feelings at the thoughts of gift giving and being surround by family and friends. But for others who suffer from depression this time of year can cause an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and despair.The winter months can often add to this depression for several reasons other than SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Here are 5 of the possible causes of your winter depression.

1. YOU STOP WORKING OUT When it starts getting cold outside we become wusses and decide to stay in and snuggle under the covers, instead of getting our butts up and going to the gym like we normally do. It has been proven that exercise releases Endorphins and Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, much like morphine, sometimes a feeling of euphoria. Runners call it a "Runner's high" a feeling they get after they run. 

2. YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT MONEY-We all are guilty of this at one time or the other I'm sure and that is going a little cray cray during the holidays and spreading WAAAAY to much holiday cheer. Thus, causing ourselves to have to sweat the next few months or even the next year trying to payoff those credit card bills.

3. FAMILY-need I say more, lol. We love 'em but they come with a lot of stress and DRAMA.

4. YOU EAT CRAP-fatty, sugar filled foods for days on end will leave you feeling like, well CRAP. You are what you eat, right? (For more details on how fatty, processed, sugary foods affect your body check out my blog on "Why Am I Hungry Again?").

5. YOU'RE TURNING INTO A HERMIT This goes back to #1 where we are a bunch of wusses and don't want to go out in the cold, so we vegetate inside our homes and lose contact with all human life forms. The problem is the longer we do it, the longer we want to do it and the harder it is to pull ourselves out of this vegetative state. Trust me on this one I know from experience how true it is. I use to be extremely, painfully shy and would withdraw into myself. I missed out on so many, many fun things in life, because of my fear. And the more I withdrew and went  inside myself the easier it was to continue to stay that way. It was very lonely and depressing. We need face to face human interaction to support positive mental health.
(For more details on this topic checkout "Surprising causes of winter depression".)

**MAKE SURE THAT YOU TAKE THE TIME TO SAY "HI" TO SOMEONE TODAY. Check on a family member or friend and see how they're doing "just because..." In order to get something you have to give something away first. So, if you're looking for a blessing, then be a blessing to someone else.**

I know for me that this weight loss has been a blessing and it is my dream as a coach to help as many people has possible lose weight too, so they can have this same feeling. I've learned that in helping others to find their path, you'll find yours. If you've ever thought about coaching or wondered what it was all about send me a message and I'll get back with you ASAP. I'm looking for kind, compassionate, hardworking people to join my team as we work together to end the trend of obesity in America.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


People ask me all the time how I lost the weight and did/do I have to eat any special foods, do I have to do a lot of planning and cooking? Honestly, it does take some planning, but once you get into a routine its not a big deal. In the beginning you'll go through a learning phase and that's what makes the planning take longer, but once you learn the foods,  the containers, which combination of meals go best together it won't take you that long to plan a day or even a week. That's why I say success comes with consistency. Doing the same thing over and over and over until it becomes a routine, becomes a part of you. Then you won't even have to think about it anymore the healthy habits will be who you are.

Next is the cooking or nutrition part of the weight lose and it is simple nutrition, nothing fancy here. Common everyday foods, I don't shop at a speciality store or pay big bucks for Foo Foo foods. I look for recipes that are quick, easy, and have "normal" ingredients, otherwise, I'll get pushback from the kiddos, ya know what I mean?

This recipe didn't take 10 minutes to throw together and was ready to put on the table by the time the kids had their homework done, so that is 2 positive check marks from me. Give it a go and tell me what you think ;)

(Makes 4 servings)

  • 2 Tbsp raw honey
  • 2 Tbsp 100% orange juice
  • 4 (4-oz) each raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste;optional)
  1. Preheat grill to medium
  2. Combine honey and orange juice in a small bowl; whisk to blend. Set aside.
  3. Brush each chicken breast lightly with oil. Sprinkle both sides evenly with cumin, salt, and pepper.
  4. Place chicken on grill; cook, without turning, for 5 minutes. When chicken releases easily from the grill, turn, cook for an additional 3 minutes.
  5. Reduce grill heat to low. Brush chicken evenly with honey mixture. Be careful, honey will burn if exposed to flames. Grill until a meat thermometer inserted into the center of each breast reads 160 degrees. Remove from grill.
  6. Let Chicken rest 5 minutes before serving.
(Nutrition per serving 184 calories, 7 g fat, 23 g protein)

  • 10-12 small red potatoes diced with the skin on
  • 1/4 c Olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 Tbsp of garlic powder
  • 1 c of Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese 
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees
  2. Mix olive oil, black pepper, salt, and garlic powder together with a whisker and pour over the diced potatoes. 
  3. Toss the potatoes in the mixture to make sure they are coated well.
  4. Pour coated potatoes into a  9x13 baking pan that has been sprayed with olive oil and bake for 45 minutes. Every 15 minutes take the potatoes out of the oven and turn them and the last 15 minutes add the shredded cheese before returning the potatoes to the oven.
Makes 8 servings (per serving)  1-Yellow 1-Blue
For info on the 21 Day Fix or other Beachbody programs contact me today and together we'll come up with a plan to get you started on a healthy path. Prefer to check things out for yourself then go to my site at

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Are You A Food Addict?

                                ARE YOU A FOOD ADDICT?

Food addiction is real just like any other addiction it is not just a case of overeating. People crave and go into withdrawal from food (sugar, carbs, processed foods, white flour) just like a smoker or heroine addict would go into withdrawal if you took away their vice. So, don't feel ashamed or believe that you have low will-power and that there is no hope for you to ever lose weight.
Recovery and losing the weight is possible and I want you to know that and to understand that you do not have to do this alone. There is a group of people who have gone, and are going through, the same thing that you are, so they understand your struggles. You will not be judged for who you are or if you slip up. You will only be supported and held accountable to whatever standards that you set.
Thanksgiving is coming up and it can be a Food addicts worse nightmare, so I am starting my Support & Accountability Challenge Group the week before on 11/23, so that we will have some skills in place to help us cope with the many situations that might arise on this day.
If you're worried about how you're going to handle the day and you need to get a jump start on your dieting efforts then fill out the application below to join my support group and I'll send you the 411 on the group within the next 48 hours. Be blessed.

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