Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Master's Hammer and Chisel final week

This is my final week for The Master's Hammer and Chisel program, although I haven't lost all the weight that I wanted to, I'm proud that I finished all 60 days. I absolutely loved the program and I feel so much stronger, like I have more control of my body. The weight part is my own fault, because my eating has been out of control for sometime now, so needless to say I didn't stick to the meal plan like I should have-AGHH!

But I'm no quitter, so with our new Challenge group my goal is going to be to really focus on adhering to the meal plan and making the positive changes to my nutrition that I need to make in order to get the results that I want.

21 Day Fix weight loss depression wellness workingout Shakeology
On March 7th we will start our pre season which consists of 1 week of goal setting, pictures, measurements, meal planning and education on the nutritional plan and then the following week is our official day 1.

**For 30 days I will guide you daily through the program of your choice (you can chose from Hammer & Chisel, 21 DF, 21 DFX or Cize) with support, accountability, access to an online/app based closed group for support and guidance. Each participant is required to purchase one of the above listed programs Challenge pack/Program and commit to replacing one meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group. **

If you are interested in getting more deets about the program please complete the form below and I will contact you ASAP.

If you do not have a Coach please make me your FREE coach here.

21 Day Fix Hammer & Chisel fitness workingout dance
Challenge Packs
Cize weightloss eat clean healthy 21 Day Fix Shakeology Support group coaching
At any age you can be in the best shape of your life. Stop telling yourself, "I'm to old to workout that hard." "I've had a hysterectomy or gone through the "change" so my hormones are messed up and I just can't lose weight." "My thyroid is shot, so I just don't have the energy to workout. I'm just doomed to be fat."

All of that is B.S.!!! To be healthy, fit, and have the active life that you want takes one thing a COMMITMENT from you to make the changes that you need to make in order to get the results that you deserve!

NOW IS YOUR TIME!!! Don't waste another minute being trapped in a body and a life that you're not happy with. I wasted 15 years of my life and now I help others just like you get connected with the program that is right for them and their lives. But it doesn't stop there, once you start your program I'll be there to cheer you on and support you all the way!!!

fitness weight loss healthy 21 Day Fix Cize Hammer & Chisel Beachbody Shakeology hypothyroidism
The Master's Hammer & Chisel Challenge Pack

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