Showing posts with label #family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #family. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

21 Day Fix Extreme Chicken and Brussels Sprouts

     21 Day Fix Extreme Chicken and Brussels Sprouts

Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, working moms, weight loss, fitness
Purchase 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme


Yep, that's a vegetable on MY plate and I'm sure Grandma Cravens is about to faint on a cloud to see me eating one, but I'm determined to get to my goal weight by Summit this year (July 28th). In order to do that I need to really focus on my nutrition. So, I'm taking my own advice and I developed a weekly meal plan with no wiggle room.

It's game time, no more playing around!!! My new WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE GROUP STARTS TUESDAY July 5th, DEADLINE TO JOIN IS JUNE 27th (MONDAY). 


**I will share with you the 4 S's that have lead to my successful weight loss and I will help you implement them too.

**Inspiration & motivation during your whole weight loss journey.

**Nutrition tips, recipes, and more.


21 Day Fix Extreme Chicken and Brussels Sprouts


2 Tbsp                    olive oil or coconut oil
2 tsp                      lemon zest
1/2 tsp                   salt
1/4 tsp                   pepper
2 pounds                  skinless, boneless chicken thighs washed and dried                            
4 cups                    Brussels sprouts trimmed and washed


  • Combine olive oil, lemon zest, salt, and pepper.
  • Place 2 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken onto a sheet pan along with 4 cups of trimmed Brussels sprouts.
  • Drizzle the oil mixture over everything and toss to coat. 
  • Roast at 400 degree for 35-40 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through (safe internal temperature of 165 degree) and Brussels sprouts are tender. Side note: I ususally flip the chicken after about 15-20 minutes, so it brown all over.
Makes 4 servings 1-RED 1-GREEN

You can easily swap drumsticks or breast for the thighs, and broccoli or parsnips would be just as good as Brussels sprouts. Go by what is in season, what is available, and what you like ;)


Friday, April 22, 2016

Want to Know How To Make Your Fitness Your Business?

I have to start off by saying that I absolutely love being a nurse and the day I graduated nursing school was one of the happiest days of my life. I had wanted to be a nurse for as long as I could remember, so it was a dream come true for me. What I love about nursing is helping others and a nurse does that in many ways; we give them medication, monitor their condition and alert the md when there are problems, we take care of their emotional needs, and we support their families as well. Being there for the patient and their family emotionally and helping them to find resources to lighten their burden is my heart and soul, but management makes that harder and harder to do everyday.

My nursing pay check has supported my family for 19 years now. When my youngest son was born he had asthma and couldn't go to daycare and I made more money than my husband, so the decision was made for him to stay home with the kids ( 4 boys) and me to work. He did go back to work when Seth was older, but he does heating and cooling for a living and it is not a reliable income. I worked 12 hour nightshifts on the weekends, so I could take the kids to school during the week.

 Now the children are grown and I find myself at a new chapter in my life. I have FREE TIME! No running the kids to 4 different schools. No after school activities-practices, ball games,etc... No "Can you take me to my friends house." All these things use to drive me crazy and now I kinda miss them. Anyone else have that problem? Anyway no more running, so now what? I'm frustrated with work, I love being a Beachbody Coach and helping others find their path to a healthy life, and I've been trying to find a way to get more involve with my faith, so...

I've done a lot of praying and I've known for a while now that my path now lies with coaching, but I haven't been brave enough to take that leap and build my team into a full-time career. What would people think? Would I lose my identity if I didn't work as a nurse? I realize now that my ministry is through coaching. God brought me through my addiction to food and blessed me with a 175 lb weight loss. I know now that all those years I suffered with obesity I was being forged into a weapon for His glory, so I could fight to bring his people back to the fold. Have you ever felt confused as to why God would make you go through so much crap?

If you're at a crossroads in your life-empty nest syndrome, fed up with a job that holds you down, just looking for something more, something to help you get closer to your faith, then let me suggest that you check out Beachbody Coaching.
When you join my team:

  • You will receive training from the Top Coaches in the company.
  • You will be mentored by me and given step by step instructions on how to get your business started, but it is YOUR business & YOUR choice to run it the way you see fit.
  • You will be a part of a team that has Faith, Family, and Fitness as their core values and you will be supported, not just as a team member, but as part of our family.
  • You will be shown how you can run a successful business by investing just 1 hour a day.
  • You are not required to sale anything.
  • You do not have to be a fitness instructor or trainer.
  • You do not have to be at your goal weight.
  • Beachbody doesn't guarantee any level of income or success that is all based on each coaches hard work and effort. 
shakeology, Beachbody, coaching, Weight loss, Cize
Free Beachbody Club Membership
**Are you ready to take that first step down the path to a new life of abundance that God has promised you?

I'm asking you to be Fearless! Fearless doesn't mean you're not afraid. It means you're terrified, but you do what is right anyway. So, make the right choice for you and your life! Send me a message For more deets!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

How Your Mindset Can Help You Succeed

      Little achievements build to bigger and bigger accomplishments.

shakeology, fitness, hypothyroidism, 21 day fix, 22 Minute hard corps, wellness
It starts with a shake!
Shakeology the healthiest meal of the day!

Have you ever heard of the ripple effect? Basically, it refers to the fact that the tiniest drop of water can cause a pool to spread rippling first to  touch the rocks near by then moving to the roots of the trees along the banks then up on to the banks themselves. This same analogy can be applied to our weight loss efforts and if we use it to help us change our mindsets then we'll be that much closer to achieving our goals.

The problem is with most of us, myself included, is we focus on how much weight we have to lose (the bank line) and obsess over the number on the scale and we allow our confidence to go up and down with those numbers. We develop an "I can't" attitude and decide that we need to be motivated by outside forces, so we only give 100% when someone is watching us. We eat our salads and drink our diet soft drinks when we're with others, but at home we pigout (binge), as if no one else will know, right?

I come from a very competitive family and I use to think the only place I could workout was at the gym by attending the different fitness classes, because I needed the competitive aspect of the classes. Mentally I would pick someone in the class and try to keep up with them and then eventually beat them with how hard I was working out. But when I gained weight and reached 352 lbs I was embarrassed to go to the gym, because I felt like people were looking at me all the time, so I started working out at home using Beachbody dvds.

Turbofire, Shakeology, obesity, weight loss, family fitness
At any age you can be in the best shape of your life.
At first I thought there is no way this is going to work because if no one is looking then I'm going to cheat and half-ass the workout. But then I loved the workout(Turbofire was the first and I lost 75 lbs with it) and the challenge it gave me, so I didn't want to cheat. I wanted to give it my all, so I flipped my mindset from "I can't" to "I can" and the power of an "I can" mentality is amazing! I wanted to give it my best even when no one was looking!  Each day I got a little bit better with my moves (a small ripple), I could kick a little higher (bigger ripple), keep up with the routine better (ripple), I wasn't as short of air (ripple), and finally one day I could do a freakin' BURPEE!!! (Reached the Banks!!)

Did the numbers go down on the scale everyday, nope (btw you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday there are to many factors that cause it to change in that short period of time. Once a week at the most.), but EVERYDAY I had a small victory which gave me a boost of confidence.

 And that confidence lead to me being able to turn down the doughnuts that the people at work bring in every freakin day- I just showed will power=more confidence. I think I'll train for a 5K, but I've never been able to run before...RAN a 5K=more confidence, until one day I reached my goal weight. Now what? How about being a coach and helping others to lose weight so they can live a healthy, active life too? I'm not a fitness expert, nutritionist, or instructor can I be a coach? HELL YEAH!!!

The point is you need to have a positive "I CAN" attitude and give your all everyday even when no one is looking and that makes each of those small daily victories even better and their affects will ripple out and lead to your ultimate goal and the life that you want to live-healthy, fit, and active.

The struggle to find your path to a healthy life is real and I know because I've been there and I know I can help you get connect with the program that will help you reach your fitness and health goals. Don't waste another minute trapped in a body you're not happy with send me a message today and I'll get back with you ASAP

Join my next Challenge group starting 4/4 by filling out this form SUMMER STRONG CHALLENGE GROUP
22 Minute Hard Corps, shakeology, weight loss, fitness, happy

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

2 Quick and Easy Tips on How to Steam Vegetables

              How to Steam Vegetables

21DayFix Shakeology 22MinuteHardCorps hypothyroidism healthy fitness

As I've told you guys time and time again having a plan is the secret to successful weight loss and part of that planning is educating yourself on the healthiest ways to prepare foods. Now let's get real here we're not dieting on Oprah's budget, so a personal chef is out of the question, as is a food policeman to keep us from eating things we shouldn't, so that leaves it all up to us. We get to do the shopping, prepping, and cooking of the food-YEAH!!! 

Okay, not always "yeah" because we have busy lives, right? That's where steaming your veggies comes in. First you should be taking one day a week to plan out your meals for the week then to shop and next prep your foods for the week (it's even better if you can take the time to cook up a few meals for the week and freeze them for quick access and easy dinner/lunch ideas when you need to implement your plan B and we all know that with our crazy lives there always needs to be a plan B;).

Steaming is one of the easiest ways to prepare vegetables and maintain their nutritional content and it can be done in minutes.

Stovetop Steaming vs Microwaving

Of course, you can buy a Food steamer, but then we wouldn't be having this talk so I'll just by-pass that method. If you purchase a Steamer it will have instructions on how to steam veggies.
There are 2 main ways of steaming vegetables: on the stovetop and in the microwave. Both are quick and easy and the results are generally the same. But for each different veggies cooked, there are some variations, such as the time spent cooking. You do not need any special equipment: a saucepan, lid, and colander for the stovetop method and a microwave safe bowl and plastic wrap for the microwave method.

How to Steam Vegetables in the Microwave

When steaming in the microwave-place vegetables in a microwave-safe bowl, add no more water than what it takes to rinse your veggies before washing. No additional water is needed! Cover the bowl with microwave-safe plastic wrap, leaving one corner open to vent. 

How to Traditionally Steam Vegetables

Steaming on the stovetop-you will need a large pot and a steamer basket or colander that will fit inside. Fill the pot with enough water so that is just barely reaches the bottom of the colander or steamer basket. Once the water comes to a boil, add veggies and place a loose fitting lid on top to cover. If your lid is more fitted over the colander, position it so that one side hangs over the colander just enough to let the steam escape.

How Long to Steam Vegetables

All vegetables will have different cooking times depending on their size and thickness. Check out this article from for more details on steaming vegetables and their cooking times.

If you need help finding your path to a healthy and fit lifestyle then fill out the form below and I'll get back with you ASAP and we can talk about all the ways that I can help you reach your goals.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

10 Reasons Working Out is Good For Your Mental Health

I know you probably get sick of hearing about my weight loss and me talking about everybody needing to exercise, but well...tough sh**, lol. Sorry, sorry I should say it nicer, I do truly feel it is my calling to help others, just like you or someone you might know, to realize that there is HOPE. Hope that they can be healthy! Hope that they can lose 50, 100, 150 lbs too. And hope that you will FEEL better.

And that's what I want to talk to you about today working out isn't just to help you lose weight it also helps you to feel better. Here's some of the ways that just 30 minutes of working out a day can help improve, not just your physical well being, but your mental health too:

And that's what I want to talk to you about today working out isn't just to help you lose weight it also helps you to feel better. Here's some of the ways that just 30 minutes of working out a day can help improve, not just your physical well being, but your mental health too:
depression hypothyroidism women's health fitness

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Master's Hammer and Chisel final week

This is my final week for The Master's Hammer and Chisel program, although I haven't lost all the weight that I wanted to, I'm proud that I finished all 60 days. I absolutely loved the program and I feel so much stronger, like I have more control of my body. The weight part is my own fault, because my eating has been out of control for sometime now, so needless to say I didn't stick to the meal plan like I should have-AGHH!

But I'm no quitter, so with our new Challenge group my goal is going to be to really focus on adhering to the meal plan and making the positive changes to my nutrition that I need to make in order to get the results that I want.

21 Day Fix weight loss depression wellness workingout Shakeology
On March 7th we will start our pre season which consists of 1 week of goal setting, pictures, measurements, meal planning and education on the nutritional plan and then the following week is our official day 1.

**For 30 days I will guide you daily through the program of your choice (you can chose from Hammer & Chisel, 21 DF, 21 DFX or Cize) with support, accountability, access to an online/app based closed group for support and guidance. Each participant is required to purchase one of the above listed programs Challenge pack/Program and commit to replacing one meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group. **

If you are interested in getting more deets about the program please complete the form below and I will contact you ASAP.

If you do not have a Coach please make me your FREE coach here.

21 Day Fix Hammer & Chisel fitness workingout dance
Challenge Packs
Cize weightloss eat clean healthy 21 Day Fix Shakeology Support group coaching
At any age you can be in the best shape of your life. Stop telling yourself, "I'm to old to workout that hard." "I've had a hysterectomy or gone through the "change" so my hormones are messed up and I just can't lose weight." "My thyroid is shot, so I just don't have the energy to workout. I'm just doomed to be fat."

All of that is B.S.!!! To be healthy, fit, and have the active life that you want takes one thing a COMMITMENT from you to make the changes that you need to make in order to get the results that you deserve!

NOW IS YOUR TIME!!! Don't waste another minute being trapped in a body and a life that you're not happy with. I wasted 15 years of my life and now I help others just like you get connected with the program that is right for them and their lives. But it doesn't stop there, once you start your program I'll be there to cheer you on and support you all the way!!!

fitness weight loss healthy 21 Day Fix Cize Hammer & Chisel Beachbody Shakeology hypothyroidism
The Master's Hammer & Chisel Challenge Pack

Monday, February 15, 2016

Easy Low Calorie 21 Day Fix Baked Oatmeal Cups

Most people do their meal prep on Sundays or Mondays, but I work nightshift weekends, so my Meal Prep day is usually Tuesday. Prepping on Tuesday seems to workout pretty good, because the kids are in school and most people are at work, so the store isn't so crowded and I can get in and out in goodtime. And let's face it we all seem to be short on time, right?

What I tell my challengers and what I've found to be true for myself with my weight loss (I've lost 175 lbs My Weight Loss Story) is that success is in the planning. Along with that the best plan is a simple one and that it has to fit with your lifestyle, because if it doesn't you're not going to stick with it for the long term. And in order to have PERMANENT weight loss success you have to make LIFESTYLE changes that are permanent, no crash diets, no pills, no giving up one food group or eating only 1 food group. This is a balanced, simple nutrition plan with proven results! The 21 Day Fix teaches the right way to eat for a healthy life!(Need a plan for your weight loss? Send me a message and let me tell you all the ways I can help you find success.)

Now that you have your Meal Plan it's time to make your menu for the week and that is usually what takes the most time, but after the first few times doing it you'll learn what recipes you like and what works best for you and your's so it will get easier as time goes by. 
The key to the Meal Prep game is to keep it simple:
  1. Figure out your menu.
  2. Go shopping.
  3. Get cooking & prepping foods (washing & cutting up veggies & putting them in serving size containers, etc.)
  4. Make large quantities so you can freeze some for future meals for weeks to come.
  5. Complement meals that take more time to prepare with wash-and-go fruit, simple salads, & easy snacks like Shakeology, Greek yogurt, or hard-boiled eggs.
  6. Save weekly menus that you love, so you can skip the planning and head straight to the store next time!
21 Day Fix
Baked Oatmeal Cups with Raisins and Walnuts
Total Time: 45 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 30 min.
Yield: 12 servings, 1 cup each
Nonstick cooking spray
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 large bananas, mashed
1 Tbsp. raw honey
2½ cups old-fashioned rolled oats
1 Tbsp. ground cinnamon (I don't like cinnamon so I don't use it)
1½ tsp. baking powder
1½ cups unsweetened almond milk (I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
¾ cup chopped raw walnuts
¼ cup raisins (I prefer golden raisins or cranraisins)
1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Prepare twelve muffin cups by coating with spray. Set aside.
3. Combine eggs, extract, bananas, and honey in a large bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4. Combine oats, cinnamon, and baking powder in a medium bowl; mix well.
5. Add oat mixture to egg mixture; mix well.
6. Add almond milk; mix well.
7. Divide oat mixture evenly between prepared muffin cups.
8. Top evenly with walnuts and raisins.
9. Bake 26 to 30 minutes, or until golden brown and toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Tip: Pecans, cashews, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, or dark chocolate chips can be substituted for walnuts and raisins.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Low Calorie 21 Day Fix Approved Tomato Florentine Soup

I'm trying to do better and get those damn vegetables in, so the best way for me to do that is to hide them in something yummy like this Tomato Florentine Soup.

Adding spinach, celery, and pasta to plain tomato soup takes this dish to a new level. Plus, it's only 187 calories per serving and 21 Day Fix friendly. Win, Win!!!

Check out Cize Challenge Pack and the 21 Day Fix on sale this month!

Tomato Florentine Soup


1 Tbsp olive oil
2 1/4 cups finely chopped onion
2/3 cup chopped celery
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup water
2 cans (14 oz each) chicken broth
1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes, untrained
1 can (8 oz) tomato sauce
2/3 cup small shell pasta, uncooked
2 cups fresh spinach
Salt and pepper to taste
Grated Parmesan cheese, for topping


Heat oil in a Dutch oven or large soup pot over medium heat. Add onion and celery; cook 7 minutes or until tender, stirring frequently. Add garlic, cooking for one minute and stirring constantly. Pour in water, broth, tomatoes and tomato sauce. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in pasta and cook 8 minutes. Add spinach, cooking for a couple of minutes, just until the leaves wilt and the pasts is al dente. Season with salt and pepper as desired, and serve topped with Parmesan cheese. Refrigerate any leftovers.

Serving size 1 cup
187 calories per serving 9g protein 27g carb 5g fiber
1/2-purple 2-green 1-yellow 1-blue

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Perfect Chocolate Nighttime Snack


I am forever tearing recipes out of magazines to try at home and usually they are a healthy twist on an old classic or a quick fix that you can throw in the crockpot. Does anyone else have a kitchen drawer full of papers? Plus a folder and an index card box? Lol. Anyway, every now and then there comes along a yummy looking treat or dessert that I just got to give a try for those special occasion cheat snacks.
Nights like tonight when I'm off work, all the big kids (adult children are at work or their own homes), grandson is with is momma, Poppy Bear is in bed and it's just me and my last little baby bear at home. Now's the time to give this special not so healthy treat a try and OMG!!!

 I'm definitely going to have to workout extra hard tomorrow.  You give it a try to and let me know what you think. Life's about balance and you can't be perfect all the time, so enjoy this moments. Tomorrow we'll go back to work. Be blessed.

  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate morsels
  • 8 slices thin white bread
  • 6 Tbsp peanut butter
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degree
  2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler over hot water.
  3. Spread 4 slices of bread evenly with peanut butter and the remaining 4 slices evenly with melted chocolate. Sandwich the slices together. Butter the outside of the bread and sprinkle both sides with sugar.
  4. Arrange the sandwiches on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes, turning the sandwiches after 5 minutes so they brown on both sides. Let cool for 5 minutes. Cut each sandwich into 4 small triangles or squares. serve warm. 
Makes:8 mini sandwiches
Prep time:5 minutes
Cook time:15 minutes

Friday, January 8, 2016

21 Day Fix Banana Protein Nut Butter Crepes Recipe-Quick, easy, and low calorie

HEY PEEPS!!! We're coming up on the weekend and if you started a new healthy way of eating or living don't undo all your hard work this week by going cray cray this weekend. Honestly, I don't even recommend a "cheat" day or even a "cheat" meal at this point in the game for my challengers.

 "Why not I've worked hard all week I deserve it!?" No, what you deserve is a healthy, happy, active life. One where your joints don't hurt all the time. Where you don't get short of breath walking up a flight of stairs. Where damage isn't being done to all your organs, joints, bones everyday from the excess weight they have to carry around. Even if you're not in pain now, you need to think about the you of tomorrow 10, 20, 30 years from now. The decisions you make Today will effect all your tomorrows.

"One cookie or one piece of cake won't hurt I've worked hard all week." Yep, you sure did and that is exactly why you shouldn't eat that one cookie, because we all know dang good and well that we never eat just one cookie, or potato chip. That once we start eating those sugar filled, high carb, processed foods again we are going to start craving them like crazy. You just spent all week detoxing from that crap and it was HELL! Do you really want to have to start that all over again Monday? Or would you rather start Monday knowing that you were in control?

 So, like I tell my kids make good choices. And while you're at it why don't you try out this awesome recipe for Banana Protein Nut Butter Crepes.  You feel like you are cheating, but you're not!!
21 Day Fix Banana Nut Butter Protein Crepes

  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • 1 scoop protein powder (Beachbody Vanilla whey)
  • almond milk or coconut milk to thin out batter (unsweetened vanilla almond milk is my choice it has the fewest calories and works best with 21DF)
  • optional: pure maple syrup to sweeten
Stuff with bananas, 1 tsp nut butter, blueberries, strawberries!!! Your choices all are good and yummy ;)

Mix egg whites and protein powder in blender. If your protein powder isn't very sweet on it's own add pure maple syrup.

Batter should be thinner than normal pancake batter. Add milk of your choice or a dash of water if  it's to thick.

Cook in a HOT, well coconut oiled pan. Spread batter around in pan in a thin, even coat. The mix made 2 crepes in my big skillet.

2 crepes =2 red, 1 purple, 1 tsp, 1/2 yellow (the yellow will depend on you)

For more daily support I have a FREE online support and accountability group that starts at the 1st of every month. For deets fill out the SUPPORT GROUP FORM on the side of this blog and I'll get back with you ASAP!! Or leave a comment below.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Have you ever told yourself, "Starting tomorrow I'm going to eat healthier and I'm going to workout for 30 minutes everyday" then when the morning comes you go right back into your old routine? Or maybe you start off good with a healthy breakfast, but as soon as the stress of work, kids, life gets going you lose focus? I know I have more times then I can count.

The problem is we think about what we want and wish for it to happen, but we never come up with a plan of ACTION. We may go over some steps that we intend to take to get to our goals, but we never write them down and we never implement the steps. So, what I'm telling you is, if you don't have a plan then, actually you do have a plan, a plan to FAIL. Because SUCCESS is in the planning. It doesn't have to be anything complicated just small steps that you do consistently day in and day out over time will get you the results that you want.

1. YEP, YOU KNOW IT-DRINK SHAKEOLOGY DAILY-Just replace 1 meal a day if you're looking to lose weight, but guys it is a NUTRITION SHAKE so you can drink it for your snack if you don't need to lose weight, that way you're getting a daily dose of dense nutrition.

2. PLAN OUT YOUR MEALS FOR THE WEEK- Now you don't have to plan down to every little side dish, you can, but if that is to much for you, start by planning what your main dish is going to be each day for dinner then add some veggies to it. You should always have veggies prepped and ready to grab-and-go in the fridge, so it'll be easy to find some to add to your meal. Nuts, cut up veggies and fruits, yogurt are great for your snacks throughout the day and lunch for me is usually a leftover from a previous meal. So, I already have it measured out and in a container ready to grab and go. SIMPLE. SIMPLE. SIMPLE.

3. SCHEDULE YOUR WORKOUTS-"Oh, I'm going to workout when I get home from work." Okay, when? What time? Where? If you can't or won't answer these questions then NO you won't workout, because you will find an excuse not to plain and simple. Schedule your workout just like you do any other appointment, because it is just as important as any other appointment, if not more important this is your life people! The healthy choices you make today affect all your tomorrows. I personally want to be an independent Granny until the day I die. WORD!

4. INVEST IN YOU-If you are tired before your workout then purchase the Beachbody Performance preworkout Energize it is freakin' awesome! It gives you energy without making you feel jittery and the post workout drink keeps you from feeling sore, plus it taste like a Wendy's frosty, so it's like you're getting a treat too. You are worth the time, money, and effort it takes to get healthy you need to know and believe it.

If you have questions or need support contact me by sending me a message or fill out the "Support Group" form on the side of this blog and I'll get back with you ASAP.

To purchase the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack, Shakeology, BodyBeast, The Master's Hammer & Chisel, or the Beachbody Performance line go to my site at . Checkout the programs and products while you're there and if you have any questions send me a message and together we'll come up with a plan that will get you started on your path to a healthy life. But don't be afraid you won't be on this journey alone, as your free coach I'll be there to support you all the way, as long as you don't quit, neither will I. Be blessed.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How Helping Others Will Help You

**I want to start by saying thank you Lord Jesus for my many, many blessings that I often take for grant, such as, having a roof over my head.**

What brought this to my mind is the fact that the awesome company that I coach for, Beachbody, is giving a $5 donation to a charity in CA called "Upward Bound House" that helps get homeless families off the streets and into homes (btw 90% of the families STAY OFF the streets once they're placed in a home) for every base kit of The Master's Hammer & Chisel that is sold through the month of December and there is no cap on the amount they are willing to donate!

I joined Beachbody in the beginning to get the discount on my Shakeology. Then I realized that I liked helping people, I guess it was the nurse in me, so I started thinking about coaching as a career. But I wasn't sure if it was for me, Beachbody is such a Big corporation, I had no clue had to run a business, would my goals, beliefs jive with the corporate world?

Then I started following the Top coaches and they talked openly about their religion. I mean the #1 coach said she was a Christian! How un-PC, right? So, I waited for Corp. to put the smackdown on her, but guess what? They never did! And the more training I took the more I realized that corporate supported their coaches in whatever their beliefs were, as long as, their goal was to help people first.

That's when I knew that coaching was my calling and every time I doubt that this is where I'm suppose to be God sends me a reminder. Just like the video I got today from our CEO telling us coaches that in just 1 DAY they had already made out a check for $113, 000+ dollars for Upward Bound House taking 25 families off the streets and into homes from the first day sales of Hammer and Chisel, how freakin awesome is that?! #blessed #Coachingrocks

**Leave a comment or send me a message if you want info on how you can purchase The Master's program Hammer & Chisel and by purchasing Beachbody will make a $5 donation to Upward Bound Home and help get another family off the streets by Christmas. God Bless.**

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


                BEULLAH BITCHES!! IT IS HERE! 

The Master's Hammer & Chisel workout series from Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix) and Sagi Kalev (BodyBeast), 2 SUPERSTARS, 1 FREAKIN' AWESOME Workout program to get your body ripped and defined like never before!
Beachbody previewed this program back at Summit in July and I've been burning with anticipation ever since waiting for the release date and here it is-HELL YEAH! Just in time for a Christmas present for me and just in time for me to have a smokin' body for my F**** Birthday on 1/3/16.
Yep, it'll be the BIG 5-0, so I'll need all the support I can get for the January 4th Challenge Group, so get your challenge packs soon that way we can hit it hard starting on the 4th. You can do whatever Beachbody Program you like it doesn't have to be Hammer and Chisel, you do have to drink Shakeology daily, and check into the Facebook group daily-them's the rules, you feel me?

** FILL OUT THE SUPPORT GROUP FORM ABOVE BY CLICKING ON THE "Weight Loss Support Group" button and I'll get back with you ASAP, so we can find the program that is right for you
BEACHBODY IS GIVING YOU 2 AWESOME OPTIONS FOR YOUR HAMMER & CHISEL CHALLENGE PACKS. You can get a Regular Challenge pack with the workout program and a month supply of Shakeology or the workout program and a month supply of Beachbody Performance (preworkout drink and post workout drink) both for the same price!!
Check it out on my site at
Hammer & Chisel with Performance line
Hammer and Chisel CP with Shakeology

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Obianuju N.

Transformation Tuesday: Obianuju N.

I like to introduce you all to my beautiful friend and frequent Challenge Group Challenger Obianuju N. Sometime ago Obianuju sent me a message asking to join one of my Free Clean Eating groups, so I said "yes" and added her to the group, which she ROCKED. Next I had a 21 Day Fix group and she wanted to join it as well, now the requirement to join was for the person to purchase a 21 Day Fix program and Shakeology. Obianuju said she had the 21 Day Fix and couldn't get Shakeology, because of where she lived  and then she went on to explain how she has to get her programs. Of course, I let her join my group and every group since then, because she is freakin' awesome!

 Now this young mother of 3 use to weigh close to 300 lbs and has lost over 100 lbs with several Beachbody  programs the 21 Day Fix and Cize being the most recent ones. She loves to drink Shakeology, but rarely has the opportunity to do so because of limited availability. Yep, she has a hard time getting Shakeology to her location in AFRICA, yes I said Africa, and the Beachbody programs that she uses her sister has purchased for her when she was here in the USA on business.

That's part of what makes Obianuju story so amazing to me here she lives half way around the world, has to really make an effort to purchase the product, her food sources are limited and yet she still shows up everyday in my Challenge group with a positive attitude and encouraging words to others in the group. Technically, I'm not Obianuju's coach, because she has never purchased anything from me, but she refers to me as such and that is fine with me.

  Obianuju is paying it forward by teaching free fitness classes at her church in Nigeria. She also continues to inspire and encourage the members of my Crushing It Challenge group with her determination and her never fading smile. She thanks me often for letting her in my groups and the support that I've given her, but she has given me so much more just by being herself-an awesome, strong, woman of God. Be Blessed my sister and carry on.


Are you ready for your own success story? Start with emailing me today at or by filling out the little Support Group form on the side to get started. WHY NOT YOU?

Monday, November 23, 2015



 My grandson is a really picky eater, so when I find a recipe that he likes we're both happy. He loves Chicken and Bacon Casserole, Hello it has bacon in it! Only problem is it's rather high in calories. So, I made a few tweaks and now we can all enjoy the meal without blowing my diet.😊

21 Day Fix
Chicken & Bacon Casserole

1. 1 lb cooked boneless, skinless chicken breast shredded/chopped
2. 1/2 Tbsp garlic powder
3. Salt and pepper to taste
4. 8 oz spiral whole wheat pasta
5. 1/2 cup Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
6. 1 can (10 oz) fat free cream of chicken soup
7. 4 pieces turkey bacon
8. 1-cup baby spinach, chopped


*Preheat oven 400 degrees
*Cook pasta according to directions, drain and return to pot. Cook turkey bacon until it is extra crispy, set a side. Add the can of soup, spinach, 1/4 cup of cheese, chicken, garlic powder, and salt and pepper to taste to the pasta. 
*Spray an 8x8 baking dish with coconut spray and pour mixture in, crumble bacon on top, last add the remaining cheese. 
*Place in oven and bake for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted. 

**Need help finding your path to a healthy and fit life? My coaching is FREE and I'll help you find the program that is best for you and your needs to get you to your goals. You don't have to do it all alone, get support from others who have been through and are going through the same struggles as you are by JOINING my SUPPORT/CHALLENGE GROUP. ** 
FILL OUT THE APPLICATION ON THE SIDE OF THIS PAGE TO JOIN THE SUPPORT GROUP AND I'LL GET BACK WITH ASAP. Don't waste another day trapped in a body that you're not happy with make a change today, so you can live the life of your dreams tomorrow!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


People ask me all the time how I lost the weight and did/do I have to eat any special foods, do I have to do a lot of planning and cooking? Honestly, it does take some planning, but once you get into a routine its not a big deal. In the beginning you'll go through a learning phase and that's what makes the planning take longer, but once you learn the foods,  the containers, which combination of meals go best together it won't take you that long to plan a day or even a week. That's why I say success comes with consistency. Doing the same thing over and over and over until it becomes a routine, becomes a part of you. Then you won't even have to think about it anymore the healthy habits will be who you are.

Next is the cooking or nutrition part of the weight lose and it is simple nutrition, nothing fancy here. Common everyday foods, I don't shop at a speciality store or pay big bucks for Foo Foo foods. I look for recipes that are quick, easy, and have "normal" ingredients, otherwise, I'll get pushback from the kiddos, ya know what I mean?

This recipe didn't take 10 minutes to throw together and was ready to put on the table by the time the kids had their homework done, so that is 2 positive check marks from me. Give it a go and tell me what you think ;)

(Makes 4 servings)

  • 2 Tbsp raw honey
  • 2 Tbsp 100% orange juice
  • 4 (4-oz) each raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste;optional)
  1. Preheat grill to medium
  2. Combine honey and orange juice in a small bowl; whisk to blend. Set aside.
  3. Brush each chicken breast lightly with oil. Sprinkle both sides evenly with cumin, salt, and pepper.
  4. Place chicken on grill; cook, without turning, for 5 minutes. When chicken releases easily from the grill, turn, cook for an additional 3 minutes.
  5. Reduce grill heat to low. Brush chicken evenly with honey mixture. Be careful, honey will burn if exposed to flames. Grill until a meat thermometer inserted into the center of each breast reads 160 degrees. Remove from grill.
  6. Let Chicken rest 5 minutes before serving.
(Nutrition per serving 184 calories, 7 g fat, 23 g protein)

  • 10-12 small red potatoes diced with the skin on
  • 1/4 c Olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 Tbsp of garlic powder
  • 1 c of Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese 
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees
  2. Mix olive oil, black pepper, salt, and garlic powder together with a whisker and pour over the diced potatoes. 
  3. Toss the potatoes in the mixture to make sure they are coated well.
  4. Pour coated potatoes into a  9x13 baking pan that has been sprayed with olive oil and bake for 45 minutes. Every 15 minutes take the potatoes out of the oven and turn them and the last 15 minutes add the shredded cheese before returning the potatoes to the oven.
Makes 8 servings (per serving)  1-Yellow 1-Blue
For info on the 21 Day Fix or other Beachbody programs contact me today and together we'll come up with a plan to get you started on a healthy path. Prefer to check things out for yourself then go to my site at

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