Showing posts with label #sugaraddiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #sugaraddiction. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Have you ever eaten a really big yummy meal full of pasta and garlic bread followed by a scrumptious dessert and thought to yourself, "oh my God, I'm so full I'll never have to eat again for a week" then in less than an hours time you find yourself hungry again? I know what you’re thinking 🤔,”Why are we talking about pasta and bread when this is a sugar detox group?!” But stick with me and you’ll see😁

 Yep, me too. I use to think that I was crazy, but come to find out there is a reason for this rapid return of hunger and there is a scale called the Glycemic Index that helps you to understand it and how to prevent it from happening.

Basically, The Glycemic Index is a way to measure how carbohydrates react in your blood. When you eat carbs, your blood sugar levels rise anywhere from a little too a lot. The GI uses a scale of 0-100, with higher numbers given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. High GI Foods cause the body to produce higher levels of insulin but sometimes too much. This gives you an energy boost known as a "sugar rush". It feels good at first, but then your blood sugar drops rapidly to lower than normal levels known as a "crash".

**How do you avoid the "sugar rush" and "crash" cycle?  By eating foods low on the G.I. scale. Foods that are on the lower end of the G.I. scale help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels.**

A GI >70 is considered high and some of the foods that have this number include white bread, pretzels, french fries, and most processed foods. Eating these foods triggers a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin levels, which:

  • Encourages your body to store fat
  • Creates a cycle of hunger pangs and feeling unsatisfied
  • Causes an energy crash that leaves you irritated and tired
  • Can lead to high blood pressure, fluid retention, and diabetes
A GI <55 is considered low and some foods that are included with this score are spinach, oatmeal, peanuts, and Shakeology. Consuming these foods helps to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels, which:
  • Increases levels of glycogen, a hormone that causes body fat to be burned
  • Gives you a feeling of satisfied hunger
  • Helps balance moods
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease, helps control diabetes, and positively affects the aging process.
  • Helps with wound healing.
HIGH (GI:70 or greater)       MEDIUM (GI:56-69)                  LOW (GI:Under 55)
Cornflakes (GI=81)                 Pineapple (GI=59)                        Broccoli (GI=10)
Rice Cakes (GI=82)                Sweet potatoes (GI=61)               Shakeology )GI=24)
Pretzels (GI=83)                    White Rice (GI=64)                     Apples (GI=38)
Baked Potatoes (GI=93)         Beets (GI=69)                             Oranges (GI=42)

I already knew that drinking my Shakeology daily made me feel better, I have more energy, and I stay full longer.

 Plus, I don't get those crazy cravings like I use to get, now I understand why. If you've never tried Shakeology and you're struggling to lose weight I highly suggest you giving it a try.

 I've lost 175 lbs and kept it off and I know that Shakeology is the secret to my success.

Plus, Beachbody has a money back guarantee where you can drink the whole bag and if you don't get the results you want you can return the empty bag for a refund. Awesome sauce!!

To purchase Shakeology or for Shakeology recipe ideas go to my site at .
If you need help getting started, staying motivated and getting results with your weight loss, fitness or healthier lifestyle then LET'S TALK I can, but you have to be the one to reach out :)

**Statements in regards to Shakeology have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease**.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar is Bad For You


I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times that sugar (white) is bad for you but let me just go over a few of the reasons why it is so unhealthy and why me and my challengers gave it up for 5 days.

1. Sugar has no nutrients and it is bad for your teeth. Added sugar (like sucrose and high fructose corn syrup) contain a whole bunch of calories with NO essential nutrients. That's called "empty" calories.

2. Added Sugar is high in Fructose, which can overload your liver. 

3. Overloading the Liver with fructose can cause Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease. Basically excess fructose gets turned into fat, which can lodge in the liver and cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
4. Sugar can cause Insulin Resistance, a stepping Stone towards Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes. Our bodies produce insulin in response to glucose and when we eat high levels of glucose it becomes toxic to our bodies and our bodies become "resistant" to the glucose and stop making the insulin. Insulin resistance leads to many disease, such as, metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.

5. The Insulin Resistance Can Progress to Type II Diabetes

6.Sugar Can lead to Cancer
Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells and Insulin is one of the key hormones in regulating this sort of growth.

7. Due to its Effects on Hormones and the Brain, Sugar has Unique Fat-Promoting Effects
Basically not all calories are created equal. A study shows that when people drink glucose sweetened drinks vs people who drank drinks sweetened with fructose the people who drank glucose stayed satisfied longer. People who drank fructose were drinking again immediately, thus consuming more calories.

8. Because it causes massive Dopamine release in the brain, sugar is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE! DUH Right? Like abusive drugs, sugar causes a release of dopamine in the reward center of the brain. "The everything in moderation message may be a bad idea for people who are ADDICTED to junk food...because the ONLY THING that works for true addiction is abstinence." HELLO WHAT HAS LORI BEEN SAYING?

9. Sugar is a leading contributor to obesity in both children and adults

10. It ain't the Fat...It's Sugar that raises your cholesterol and gives you Heart Disease. Heart disease is the #1 Killer in the world and saturated fat has been blamed for years for causing it, but recent studies show that the harmful effects of fructose on metabolism maybe a bigger factor.
(This info is taken from a blog AuthorityNutrition-An Evidence-Based Approach- and from the CDC 2015)
If you're ready to kick the sugar habit and get started on your path to a healthy new life of freedom from Food addiction then click the link and LET'S TALK about all the ways that I can help you get the results you deserve!

**Already know what you want? Then go a head and start SHOPPING GO FOR IT BABY! Then send me a message and I'll add you to my FREE PRIVATE AND EXCLUSIVE SUPPORT AND ACCOUNTABILITY WEIGHT LOSS/FITNESS GROUP ON FACEBOOK.**

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