Tuesday, March 10, 2015



I know, I know you think I’m crazy but just hear me out for a couple of seconds. I use to weigh over 350 lbs and with the help of Turbofire and Shakeology, plus hard work, I lost >150 lbs. Life was great! I was able to be active with my kids, I could workout, I ran a 5K, people were telling me how good I looked-what could be better?

Then I tore a tendon in my hip and wasn’t able to workout, so some of the weight started coming back on. And that made me depressed, which lead to more eating…then I had a hysterectomy, was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my father became ill and died…blah, blah…life happened and I gained 75 lbs back. The gym had always been my sanctuary, the place I went to workout my problems and clear my head and now I couldn’t do that, all I could do was sit at home and think.
The problem wasn’t that I couldn’t lose weight, because I had done that numerous times throughout my life. What the pros call a Yo-Yo dieter where you lose weight then gain it back, usually even more, then lose it again. So, what the hell is the problem?! That answer was hidden under many layers of fat, because for 8% of obese people “Obesity is the solution, not the problem” according to a study done by the CDC. It’s the solution because it hides all the pain, it hides you, the person so others don’t see you they only see fat and they won’t want to touch you, abuse you, hurt you the way you were hurt as a child. Traumatic childhood events (usually sexual abuse) leads to adult obesity, that 8% that I’m a member of.
One unknown person was quoted as saying, “Overweight is overlooked and that’s the way I need to be”. Holy Hell! That made it all click for me, because maybe consciously I loved the praise I was getting when I lost the weight, but somewhere in the back of my mind there was this little worrier saying “you’re to thin it’s going to happen again”. Now I know what the true problem is and it has caused me to be an addict, yes I said addict because that is what I am a Food Addict, so it is time to let it go.
The best way to get rid of the problem is to write it on a piece of paper and say out loud what the problem is that is holding you back and tell it that it doesn’t have any hold over you anymore. Then burn it or tear it up, flush it down the toilet whatever just get rid of it once and for all. Go forward from this day on knowing that obesity is no longer the solution for you, that you are healed. Your past is not your future. Go forth knowing you are whole, you are at peace, you are never alone and you are loved.

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