Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


 I just want to remind you that you are FREAKIN' AWESOME!!
   And to tell you to STOP settling for good enough, if it's not truly GOOD ENOUGH. Are you happy with your life? With the career you've chosen or the line of work you are doing? The partner you have chosen to be with for life(hum,hum)? The place that you live in? Your income? Don't fool yourself into believing that you have no control over these things, because you do!
   Just because you got with a man/ woman or got into a job 20 yrs ago and it was right at that time for you and your family doesn't mean that you are stuck with that decision for the rest of your life. We all have choices in our lives to make and we can choose to settle for a mediocre life where we are happy sometimes, but most of the time we are working our asses off to make ends meet, fighting with the people we love because we are so stressed over bills, work, LIFE! Or we can take a step of faith and choose a life of abundance. A life where we are happy the majority of the time and healthy, because we have reduced the worry and stress in our lives by making better choices. STRESS is the #1 factor that leads to overeating, which leads to obesity. I'm sure none of you are surprised by this fact. 
  But I've been with this company for 26 years I have to much invested to leave now! I spent a lot of time and money to get my degree I can't just throw it all away now it would be wasted! Let me ask you this do you know the average life expectancy of a human? So about how much more time no this earth do you have??? God willing and blah, blah, blah... Yeah, do you really have time to WASTE being unhappy, unfulfilled, trapped in a body that is weighing you down or burdened with financial issues that keep you from living the life of abundance that God has planned for you? Isn't it time that you INVEST in YOU?
  I'm telling you this as your friend and as someone who has been there. I wasted over 20 yrs of my life trapped in a body that kept me from being who I was destined to be and I don't want you to wake up one morning with regret knowing what you could have had, if only you had taken the chance and believed in yourself and your destiny. I remember crying because I so desperately wanted to go on the Optifast diet, it was the miracle diet at the time, and I didn't have the money. We were on Welfare with 2 kids and a new born baby and I was in nursing school. My husband was working but he had been let go of his job of 11 yrs when a new owner took over, so at his new job his pay was a lot less and ends were not meeting. I know now that those hard times had a purpose and that was to prepare me for my true calling. 
  It is my goal to give back to as many people as possible by helping them find their path to their life of abundance. Whether it be through weight loss or the coaching opportunity I know that this is what God has laid before me and I'm ready for the challenge the question is are you ready for your life of abundance?
Want to talk about it send me a message  or Look me up on FB at Lori'slosingit.  To join as a coach go to
smile emoticon

Tuesday, March 10, 2015



I know, I know you think I’m crazy but just hear me out for a couple of seconds. I use to weigh over 350 lbs and with the help of Turbofire and Shakeology, plus hard work, I lost >150 lbs. Life was great! I was able to be active with my kids, I could workout, I ran a 5K, people were telling me how good I looked-what could be better?

Then I tore a tendon in my hip and wasn’t able to workout, so some of the weight started coming back on. And that made me depressed, which lead to more eating…then I had a hysterectomy, was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my father became ill and died…blah, blah…life happened and I gained 75 lbs back. The gym had always been my sanctuary, the place I went to workout my problems and clear my head and now I couldn’t do that, all I could do was sit at home and think.
The problem wasn’t that I couldn’t lose weight, because I had done that numerous times throughout my life. What the pros call a Yo-Yo dieter where you lose weight then gain it back, usually even more, then lose it again. So, what the hell is the problem?! That answer was hidden under many layers of fat, because for 8% of obese people “Obesity is the solution, not the problem” according to a study done by the CDC. It’s the solution because it hides all the pain, it hides you, the person so others don’t see you they only see fat and they won’t want to touch you, abuse you, hurt you the way you were hurt as a child. Traumatic childhood events (usually sexual abuse) leads to adult obesity, that 8% that I’m a member of.
One unknown person was quoted as saying, “Overweight is overlooked and that’s the way I need to be”. Holy Hell! That made it all click for me, because maybe consciously I loved the praise I was getting when I lost the weight, but somewhere in the back of my mind there was this little worrier saying “you’re to thin it’s going to happen again”. Now I know what the true problem is and it has caused me to be an addict, yes I said addict because that is what I am a Food Addict, so it is time to let it go.
The best way to get rid of the problem is to write it on a piece of paper and say out loud what the problem is that is holding you back and tell it that it doesn’t have any hold over you anymore. Then burn it or tear it up, flush it down the toilet whatever just get rid of it once and for all. Go forward from this day on knowing that obesity is no longer the solution for you, that you are healed. Your past is not your future. Go forth knowing you are whole, you are at peace, you are never alone and you are loved.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015



There was a time when a person was as good as their word. If they gave you their word that they were going to do something you didn't need to "get it in writing", because they gave you "their word" and that meant that it would be done. A person's word was a testament to their character it said who they were- dependable, truthful, strong, reliable. People didn't just throw words around like "I'll let you know" or "I'll message you later" or "I'd love to help", unless they truly meant to do those things.
Of course, there were times when emergencies came up.  When they had to back out of obligations that they made, but the situations were honestly emergencies.  Not because the person didn't feel like fulfilling their promise when a better offer came around or because it became inconvenient to live up to their promise.

I want us all to take the time today to reflect over the past few days. Are there promises that you've made to others that you've neglected to follow through on? Quick little, "Hey I'll get back with you!" or "I'll email that number." that seem trivial to you, but may very well be important to that other person. What does your "word" say about you?

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