Thursday, November 19, 2015


HAPPY HOLIDAYS! JOY TO THE WORLD! For most of us this time of year is filled with good feelings at the thoughts of gift giving and being surround by family and friends. But for others who suffer from depression this time of year can cause an overwhelming feeling of loneliness and despair.The winter months can often add to this depression for several reasons other than SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Here are 5 of the possible causes of your winter depression.

1. YOU STOP WORKING OUT When it starts getting cold outside we become wusses and decide to stay in and snuggle under the covers, instead of getting our butts up and going to the gym like we normally do. It has been proven that exercise releases Endorphins and Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, much like morphine, sometimes a feeling of euphoria. Runners call it a "Runner's high" a feeling they get after they run. 

2. YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT MONEY-We all are guilty of this at one time or the other I'm sure and that is going a little cray cray during the holidays and spreading WAAAAY to much holiday cheer. Thus, causing ourselves to have to sweat the next few months or even the next year trying to payoff those credit card bills.

3. FAMILY-need I say more, lol. We love 'em but they come with a lot of stress and DRAMA.

4. YOU EAT CRAP-fatty, sugar filled foods for days on end will leave you feeling like, well CRAP. You are what you eat, right? (For more details on how fatty, processed, sugary foods affect your body check out my blog on "Why Am I Hungry Again?").

5. YOU'RE TURNING INTO A HERMIT This goes back to #1 where we are a bunch of wusses and don't want to go out in the cold, so we vegetate inside our homes and lose contact with all human life forms. The problem is the longer we do it, the longer we want to do it and the harder it is to pull ourselves out of this vegetative state. Trust me on this one I know from experience how true it is. I use to be extremely, painfully shy and would withdraw into myself. I missed out on so many, many fun things in life, because of my fear. And the more I withdrew and went  inside myself the easier it was to continue to stay that way. It was very lonely and depressing. We need face to face human interaction to support positive mental health.
(For more details on this topic checkout "Surprising causes of winter depression".)

**MAKE SURE THAT YOU TAKE THE TIME TO SAY "HI" TO SOMEONE TODAY. Check on a family member or friend and see how they're doing "just because..." In order to get something you have to give something away first. So, if you're looking for a blessing, then be a blessing to someone else.**

I know for me that this weight loss has been a blessing and it is my dream as a coach to help as many people has possible lose weight too, so they can have this same feeling. I've learned that in helping others to find their path, you'll find yours. If you've ever thought about coaching or wondered what it was all about send me a message and I'll get back with you ASAP. I'm looking for kind, compassionate, hardworking people to join my team as we work together to end the trend of obesity in America.

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