Thursday, November 12, 2015

Are You A Food Addict?

                                ARE YOU A FOOD ADDICT?

Food addiction is real just like any other addiction it is not just a case of overeating. People crave and go into withdrawal from food (sugar, carbs, processed foods, white flour) just like a smoker or heroine addict would go into withdrawal if you took away their vice. So, don't feel ashamed or believe that you have low will-power and that there is no hope for you to ever lose weight.
Recovery and losing the weight is possible and I want you to know that and to understand that you do not have to do this alone. There is a group of people who have gone, and are going through, the same thing that you are, so they understand your struggles. You will not be judged for who you are or if you slip up. You will only be supported and held accountable to whatever standards that you set.
Thanksgiving is coming up and it can be a Food addicts worse nightmare, so I am starting my Support & Accountability Challenge Group the week before on 11/23, so that we will have some skills in place to help us cope with the many situations that might arise on this day.
If you're worried about how you're going to handle the day and you need to get a jump start on your dieting efforts then fill out the application below to join my support group and I'll send you the 411 on the group within the next 48 hours. Be blessed.

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