Showing posts with label Clean eating wellness eating better diet fitness#overforty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clean eating wellness eating better diet fitness#overforty. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Are You A Food Addict?

                                ARE YOU A FOOD ADDICT?

Food addiction is real just like any other addiction it is not just a case of overeating. People crave and go into withdrawal from food (sugar, carbs, processed foods, white flour) just like a smoker or heroine addict would go into withdrawal if you took away their vice. So, don't feel ashamed or believe that you have low will-power and that there is no hope for you to ever lose weight.
Recovery and losing the weight is possible and I want you to know that and to understand that you do not have to do this alone. There is a group of people who have gone, and are going through, the same thing that you are, so they understand your struggles. You will not be judged for who you are or if you slip up. You will only be supported and held accountable to whatever standards that you set.
Thanksgiving is coming up and it can be a Food addicts worse nightmare, so I am starting my Support & Accountability Challenge Group the week before on 11/23, so that we will have some skills in place to help us cope with the many situations that might arise on this day.
If you're worried about how you're going to handle the day and you need to get a jump start on your dieting efforts then fill out the application below to join my support group and I'll send you the 411 on the group within the next 48 hours. Be blessed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Before The Year Ends.

How To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Before The Year Ends. 

How many times have you tried to lose weight and failed? Me? I'm not sure I can even count that high, not to mention it's rather embarrassing how many times I've joined programs and quit or never even went back. You know how you go on an all nighter, not  partying & drinking but eating like a starving person, and then you feel like HELL the next day so you swear on Monday you're for sure are going to start your diet and lose this damn weight once and for all! Then Monday comes and you feel better, so you say "screw it! I'll start tomorrow" or you stay dedicated and you actually join a program or a gym, you go once get all the info, weigh-in, then you have to have a "last supper", Hello! because you're never going to eat like this again ever, right? Then you never go back again, but you keep paying the weekly or monthly fees because one day you're going to do it. One day you're going to get your S*** together and lose this weight! How about making RIGHT NOW your  "One" day?

I already know what you're thinking "Well the holidays are coming up and I know I'm going to want to eat all that GOOD food", but tell me what has all that GOOD food done for your over the years? Do you feel GOOD? Do you look GOOD(I'm sure you are beautiful but do you look the way you want too)? Can you move and be active GOOD? And are you setting yourself up to have a GOOD LIFE in the future when you're 70,80,90 years old? The longer you carry that extra weight around with you the more damage that is being done to your body. For every 1 pound of extra weight you carry around that is equal to 4 pounds of extra pressure on your knees & that is just one area of your body that is affected.

For every pound that you lose you are reducing your risk for heart disease, diabetes,and certain types of cancers. So, losing weight isn't just about looking good, it's about living a long healthy life too. The point is we have 3 months left in this year and if you started on Monday and lost just 2 pounds a week by the first of the year you could ring in the New Year with an almost 30 pound weight loss! HELLO, how freakin' awesome would that be,instead of crying because we gained weight during the holidays we actually lost weight this year?!

I'm ringing in the NEW YEAR AT MY GOAL WEIGHT, HOW ABOUT YOU? I have an ongoing support group  and my coaching is FREE you’re welcome to join, BUT this group is a little different than my others. I usually take everyone, because I truly do want to help as many people as possible and I will continue to have a group for everyone to join. HOWEVER, this group is EXCLUSIVE!  I’m only taking people who are SERIOUS about their HEALTH & LOSING WEIGHT, are willing to make the COMMITMENT  to change that they need to make, & are willing to push themselves and their team members to their max potential in an effort to reach OUR GOALS by 1/1/16. If you want to join or want more info go to the "Support Group" button, click it, fill out the form and I'll get back with you ASAP! Invite a friend to join with you, so they can get healthy too this year. Hurry we only have 3 months left to reach our goals!
To purchase the 21 Day Fix or BodyBeast Challenge packs go to my site at . Other programs and fitness products are available too, so check them out while you're there. If you have any questions please send me a message to Be blessed.

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