Tuesday, March 15, 2016

2 Quick and Easy Tips on How to Steam Vegetables

              How to Steam Vegetables

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As I've told you guys time and time again having a plan is the secret to successful weight loss and part of that planning is educating yourself on the healthiest ways to prepare foods. Now let's get real here we're not dieting on Oprah's budget, so a personal chef is out of the question, as is a food policeman to keep us from eating things we shouldn't, so that leaves it all up to us. We get to do the shopping, prepping, and cooking of the food-YEAH!!! 

Okay, not always "yeah" because we have busy lives, right? That's where steaming your veggies comes in. First you should be taking one day a week to plan out your meals for the week then to shop and next prep your foods for the week (it's even better if you can take the time to cook up a few meals for the week and freeze them for quick access and easy dinner/lunch ideas when you need to implement your plan B and we all know that with our crazy lives there always needs to be a plan B;).

Steaming is one of the easiest ways to prepare vegetables and maintain their nutritional content and it can be done in minutes.

Stovetop Steaming vs Microwaving

Of course, you can buy a Food steamer, but then we wouldn't be having this talk so I'll just by-pass that method. If you purchase a Steamer it will have instructions on how to steam veggies.
There are 2 main ways of steaming vegetables: on the stovetop and in the microwave. Both are quick and easy and the results are generally the same. But for each different veggies cooked, there are some variations, such as the time spent cooking. You do not need any special equipment: a saucepan, lid, and colander for the stovetop method and a microwave safe bowl and plastic wrap for the microwave method.

How to Steam Vegetables in the Microwave

When steaming in the microwave-place vegetables in a microwave-safe bowl, add no more water than what it takes to rinse your veggies before washing. No additional water is needed! Cover the bowl with microwave-safe plastic wrap, leaving one corner open to vent. 

How to Traditionally Steam Vegetables

Steaming on the stovetop-you will need a large pot and a steamer basket or colander that will fit inside. Fill the pot with enough water so that is just barely reaches the bottom of the colander or steamer basket. Once the water comes to a boil, add veggies and place a loose fitting lid on top to cover. If your lid is more fitted over the colander, position it so that one side hangs over the colander just enough to let the steam escape.

How Long to Steam Vegetables

All vegetables will have different cooking times depending on their size and thickness. Check out this article from Today.com for more details on steaming vegetables and their cooking times.

If you need help finding your path to a healthy and fit lifestyle then fill out the form below and I'll get back with you ASAP and we can talk about all the ways that I can help you reach your goals.

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