Showing posts with label #Myownboss #abundantlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Myownboss #abundantlife. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Perfect Chocolate Nighttime Snack


I am forever tearing recipes out of magazines to try at home and usually they are a healthy twist on an old classic or a quick fix that you can throw in the crockpot. Does anyone else have a kitchen drawer full of papers? Plus a folder and an index card box? Lol. Anyway, every now and then there comes along a yummy looking treat or dessert that I just got to give a try for those special occasion cheat snacks.
Nights like tonight when I'm off work, all the big kids (adult children are at work or their own homes), grandson is with is momma, Poppy Bear is in bed and it's just me and my last little baby bear at home. Now's the time to give this special not so healthy treat a try and OMG!!!

 I'm definitely going to have to workout extra hard tomorrow.  You give it a try to and let me know what you think. Life's about balance and you can't be perfect all the time, so enjoy this moments. Tomorrow we'll go back to work. Be blessed.

  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate morsels
  • 8 slices thin white bread
  • 6 Tbsp peanut butter
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degree
  2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler over hot water.
  3. Spread 4 slices of bread evenly with peanut butter and the remaining 4 slices evenly with melted chocolate. Sandwich the slices together. Butter the outside of the bread and sprinkle both sides with sugar.
  4. Arrange the sandwiches on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes, turning the sandwiches after 5 minutes so they brown on both sides. Let cool for 5 minutes. Cut each sandwich into 4 small triangles or squares. serve warm. 
Makes:8 mini sandwiches
Prep time:5 minutes
Cook time:15 minutes

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Do You Know What My #1 Tip Is For Losing Weight?

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. My #1 tip is not an exercise or nutrition tip. It's simply to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome whatever physical, mental, and emotional challenges you face. If you believe in yourself first, the rest will follow.

It took me a long time to figure this out, over 20 yrs or more and once I did things started to fall in place. You've already accomplished and overcome so many things in your life that would have brought a lesser person to their knees.

 Just take a minute to stop and think about all you've been through, all you've achieved in your life. Graduating from college. Raising a family while working 2 jobs as a single parent. Fighting an illness. Fighting depression. Making it through the lose of a parent, a child, a spouse.

** I'm asking you to dig deep and find that spirit again and use it this time to help you to lose the weight and get fit, so you can live the healthy, happy life of abundance that God has waiting for you.** If you're ready to commit to making a change and you're willing to work for it then apply for my upcoming Weight Lose Challenge Group starting 1/4/16.
-Me as your FREE Coach
-A meal plan
-Support & Accountability
-Healthy recipes
-Daily motivation to keep you on track
Eat Clean to Get Lean in 2016

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Obianuju N.

Transformation Tuesday: Obianuju N.

I like to introduce you all to my beautiful friend and frequent Challenge Group Challenger Obianuju N. Sometime ago Obianuju sent me a message asking to join one of my Free Clean Eating groups, so I said "yes" and added her to the group, which she ROCKED. Next I had a 21 Day Fix group and she wanted to join it as well, now the requirement to join was for the person to purchase a 21 Day Fix program and Shakeology. Obianuju said she had the 21 Day Fix and couldn't get Shakeology, because of where she lived  and then she went on to explain how she has to get her programs. Of course, I let her join my group and every group since then, because she is freakin' awesome!

 Now this young mother of 3 use to weigh close to 300 lbs and has lost over 100 lbs with several Beachbody  programs the 21 Day Fix and Cize being the most recent ones. She loves to drink Shakeology, but rarely has the opportunity to do so because of limited availability. Yep, she has a hard time getting Shakeology to her location in AFRICA, yes I said Africa, and the Beachbody programs that she uses her sister has purchased for her when she was here in the USA on business.

That's part of what makes Obianuju story so amazing to me here she lives half way around the world, has to really make an effort to purchase the product, her food sources are limited and yet she still shows up everyday in my Challenge group with a positive attitude and encouraging words to others in the group. Technically, I'm not Obianuju's coach, because she has never purchased anything from me, but she refers to me as such and that is fine with me.

  Obianuju is paying it forward by teaching free fitness classes at her church in Nigeria. She also continues to inspire and encourage the members of my Crushing It Challenge group with her determination and her never fading smile. She thanks me often for letting her in my groups and the support that I've given her, but she has given me so much more just by being herself-an awesome, strong, woman of God. Be Blessed my sister and carry on.


Are you ready for your own success story? Start with emailing me today at or by filling out the little Support Group form on the side to get started. WHY NOT YOU?

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