Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

How Helping Others Will Help You

**I want to start by saying thank you Lord Jesus for my many, many blessings that I often take for grant, such as, having a roof over my head.**

What brought this to my mind is the fact that the awesome company that I coach for, Beachbody, is giving a $5 donation to a charity in CA called "Upward Bound House" that helps get homeless families off the streets and into homes (btw 90% of the families STAY OFF the streets once they're placed in a home) for every base kit of The Master's Hammer & Chisel that is sold through the month of December and there is no cap on the amount they are willing to donate!

I joined Beachbody in the beginning to get the discount on my Shakeology. Then I realized that I liked helping people, I guess it was the nurse in me, so I started thinking about coaching as a career. But I wasn't sure if it was for me, Beachbody is such a Big corporation, I had no clue had to run a business, would my goals, beliefs jive with the corporate world?

Then I started following the Top coaches and they talked openly about their religion. I mean the #1 coach said she was a Christian! How un-PC, right? So, I waited for Corp. to put the smackdown on her, but guess what? They never did! And the more training I took the more I realized that corporate supported their coaches in whatever their beliefs were, as long as, their goal was to help people first.

That's when I knew that coaching was my calling and every time I doubt that this is where I'm suppose to be God sends me a reminder. Just like the video I got today from our CEO telling us coaches that in just 1 DAY they had already made out a check for $113, 000+ dollars for Upward Bound House taking 25 families off the streets and into homes from the first day sales of Hammer and Chisel, how freakin awesome is that?! #blessed #Coachingrocks

**Leave a comment or send me a message if you want info on how you can purchase The Master's program Hammer & Chisel and by purchasing Beachbody will make a $5 donation to Upward Bound Home and help get another family off the streets by Christmas. God Bless.**

Tuesday, February 10, 2015



There was a time when a person was as good as their word. If they gave you their word that they were going to do something you didn't need to "get it in writing", because they gave you "their word" and that meant that it would be done. A person's word was a testament to their character it said who they were- dependable, truthful, strong, reliable. People didn't just throw words around like "I'll let you know" or "I'll message you later" or "I'd love to help", unless they truly meant to do those things.
Of course, there were times when emergencies came up.  When they had to back out of obligations that they made, but the situations were honestly emergencies.  Not because the person didn't feel like fulfilling their promise when a better offer came around or because it became inconvenient to live up to their promise.

I want us all to take the time today to reflect over the past few days. Are there promises that you've made to others that you've neglected to follow through on? Quick little, "Hey I'll get back with you!" or "I'll email that number." that seem trivial to you, but may very well be important to that other person. What does your "word" say about you?

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